Lauren/You - Childhood Sweethearts

Start from the beginning

"oh my god." She whispered before launching herself at me and hugging me tight, squeezing me to make sure I was really here. I could feel her crying in happiness next to me and that only made tears fill my eyes. After we pulled away I looked at her with a questioning look before mouthing a soft "mom?". She led me to the kitchen without trying to hide me from the others. As the ones that were in the living room looked at me their eyes widened at the realization. I recognized Mike Jauregui who was the closest thing I had to a father and flashed him a smile, especially when I saw her eyes growing teary. My sister stopped abruptly at the door frame causing me to stop too. When I looked inside the room I was met with an image who made me question the last six years away. I could definitely recognized Lauren next to my mom in front of the oven preparing the dinner. When I dated Lauren, I always pictures this image, my wife and my mum preparing dinner together. And at that second I knew, i could have left for 10 years or even 20 it wouldn't have changed the way I felt about her. She was my childhood sweetheart, my first love, and no matter how hard I tried to forget her, my heart would never stopped beating for her because she was the one who taught me everything about love. When she thought she was whispering into my ear it was in fact into my heart, and when she thought she was kissing my lips, it was actually my soul. she was the one and I knew that this mere realization would cause me the greatest heartbreak.

I knew that no one had told her where I had disappeared too, they said I had just vanished. The only people who knew were my family and I was glad about that because it meant that I wouldn't have to answer questions that would reopen deep wounds. I finally took a deep breath and whispered in Kala, my sister, to get Lauren away from my mom. She walked to her and faked that she needed her for something. She made Lauren walked to me and as her eyes were on the my sister she hadn't seen me yet, until she came a few inches away from me and was forced to look into my eyes. Hers widened as realization hit her while I just got lost in this emerald sea I had longed so much.

"Holy-" she started put I put my hand on her mouth preventing her to talk, shivers running all over my body at the contact of my skin to her lips. She stood there numb as she was shocked to see me but in her eyes there was a small piece of love that I knew she still felt for me. I took her hands leading her to where all the others were standing so that they would be able to see the reunion between my mother and i. I walked back to my mother and leaned against the sink, her back still facing me.

"This smells pretty good." I said.

"I know ri-" she started before the plate she had in her hands fell on the floor, shattering into thousands of pieces. Unsurely and very slowly she turned around.

"Too bad you just let it fall to the floor. We will just have to order I guess. Is pizza good for you guys?" I asked with a smirk as I saw my mother's face. The waves of tears that had invaded her beautiful features made my heart sink.

"Please tell me...tell me I'm not dreamin.." She whispered still standing away from me, as if she was scared that if she came closer I would be gone.

"You're not." I said walking to her. "You are not mum." I stated again as I cupped her cheeks. She leaned in the touch before finally opened her eyes again and jumping on me, her arms around my shoulders as she hugged me tighter than I had ever been hugged.

Lauren/You - Childhood Sweethearts - (Mini-Series)Where stories live. Discover now