Mislead Expectations

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Her third; Why can't I look away?

The man she was still following led her into the cat lounge and she forcibly looked away from the Ro'Meave. Then she saw the cats.

Kawaii~Chan had to use every single ounce of her self-restraint not to run over to the nearest cat and stroke it for hours, her thoughts from before completely forgotten.

Finally, they arrived at a door with a shiny 'manager' plaque stuck to it. The man knocked on the door before opening it enough to stick his cat-ear-adorned head through, saying;

"There's an applicant for the job opening here to see you ma'am"

He must have gotten a reply because a moment later he stepped back and opened the door wider to admit Kawaii~Chan inside. She flounced in, unable to contain her excitement.


Kawaii~Chan tore through the café, trying not to look upset as she hurried to get the hell out of there. She pushed her way through people and out into the street, half walking and half running to get as far away from that place, just to get home, where she could hide and forget. A cold wind blew and Kawaii~Chan tried not to remember what the manager had said...

She looked through Kawaii~Chan's files, her resume and application form. She kept nodding and taking sips of her coffee every now-and-then. After she had flicked through once more she looked up at Kawaii~Chan, hesitating when she saw her.

"You're a Mei'fwa?" she said, tone neutral. Kawaii~Chan nodded. The woman made a tutting sound.

"Your resume and application seem in order..." the manager said, looking Kawaii~Chan directly in the eyes. "the only criticism from you're previous employers seems to be the lack of ability to be entirely serious and/or you talking in the third person. Although, here that hardly matters, it's supposed to be a fun establishment"

Kawaii~Chan nodded, smiling brightly. This was going well...

"However, you are a Mei'fwa," the woman said. Kawaii~Chan's smile faltered, the woman said it like it was a bad thing.

"Yes...?" Kawaii~Chan said "Is that... is that not good?"

Dark clouds started to form, blocking the sun and sending a frosty wind across Kawaii~Chan's bare shoulders. She lifted her head to look at the sky and a heavy drop of rain plopped into her nose. She flinched.

Shivering, she picked up her pace, clutching her goosebumped forearms. The rain started to fall and Kawaii~Chan realised, choking back a sob, that she'd left her umbrella at the café.

"Usually, I have no qualms with Mei'fwa" the woman assured her "but I'm not too fond of employing one to work here"

Kawaii~Chan cocked her head, signifying her confusion. The woman continued;

"We have had feedback about previous Mei'fwa employees from customers, saying they felt awkward playing with the cats when there are cat-people in the vicinity" she explained. Kawaii~Chan gulped.

"S-so... I don't get the job...?" she said, looking forcibly down at her hands, which were clasping the light material of her skirt. The woman sighed.

"Usually, I'd say that" she said "but we really do need another hand around her to keep up with the popularity this place had been getting"

A spark of hope sent Kawaii~Chan's head flying up to look at the woman, a smile creeping onto her face once again.

"So if you give me a good enough reason to give you the job, I'll take you on" the woman sat back, arms crossed expectantly. Kawaii~Chan gulped once again.

"M-my house was recently victim to fire..." she said, the guilt coming back "I wanted to get a second job to help pay for the repairs instead of my housemates"

the woman's face twisted with concern and curiosity.

"Goodness, what caused it?" she asked. Kawaii~Chan looked away, the guilt making it hard for her to swallow.

The rain pummelled down, so cold it was practically painful. The sob that Kawaii~Chan had been forcing down finally bubbled up and the tears streamed down her cheeks. She shivered, dragging her wet hair from her face. She cursed her impractical clothing which showed off her shoulders and collarbone but meant they were exposed to the freezing wind and drenching rain. The past few days had been so awful, the rain and the interview was just the cherry on top. All her pent up emotions came pouring out, sending her crying out in misery, practically unheard over the roar of the torrential rain

"I-I... I was making c-cookies..." the Mei'fwa admitted "a-a-and I got distract-t-ted. They got burnt a-and..."

"YOU SET YOUR HOUSE ON FIRE?!?!" the woman said, shocked, standing up with her hands on the desk.

"It-t-t was an accident!" Kawaii~Chan stammered, trying to assure her. It didn't work.

"There is absolutely no way I am hiring someone who sets fire to her house by making goddamn cookies!" the manager practically yelled. "Get out!" she pointed to the door with a rigid arm.

Kawaii~Chan blinked, surprised at the sudden harshness of the woman, and hurt by the reaction. Frozen, she didn't move.

"I said get out, you alley cat" the woman repeated, her voice deadly calm.

Kawaii~Chan's eyes widened, insulted. She stood, walking swiftly to the door, teeth gritted.

You're ok, you're ok, you're ok... Kawaii~Chan repeated to herself. She walked through the kitty lounge, ignoring the cats nudging at her legs, to the door of the dining area. She sniffed, forcing her face into composure. As she was taking a deep breath, she felt as if someone looking at her. She turned to see Zane, leaning back in his chair, a cruel sneer on his lips. Her eyes filled with tears and she tore through the café...

Kawaii~Chan stopped, she was shivering uncontrollably from the cold and rain, her eyes were blurry with tears and she could barely see through the storm. Oh, why did you have to go and forget the umbrella Kawaii~Chan? She whined to herself.

Her arms were so numb that she couldn't feel the way her sharp nails dug into her. Her hair, tail and ears were dripping and Kawaii~Chan was sure she's lost at least one of her pink bows. She shuddered harshly as she sobbed, she couldn't find her way through the storm, and how was she supposed to get home? Who knew how long it would last...

Just as she was about to attempt to find adequate cover to call someone, for help, her keen ears twitched to the sound of someone sloshing through puddles as well as the drumming of the heavy rain on an umbrella.

Lucky person she thought. Not stupid like me, forgetting her umbrella...

The person stopped next to her.

She looked up to a peculiar sight.

Zane Ro'Maeve stood there, facing straight ahead, in all his darkness and black clothing, holding a pale pink umbrella lined with white frills and the occasional hot pink bow. Her umbrella.

She stared, gobsmacked, as he slowly held it out to her, the rain instantly flattening his black locks. He still faced ahead but his eye then looked to the side, towards her. Telling her to take it.

She reached out just as slowly, unsure even though it was her umbrella, and grasped the handle. Their hands touched accidentally as he withdrew his and she felt herself blushing. She cursed herself for her annoying tendency to be into guys who were dark... like him. She shook herself mentally. This was Zane Ro'Maeve.

He began to walk away, leaving her standing there, surprised and conflicted. The rain pummelled him but he walked on unfazed. She watched him round the corner and in a flash of lightning;

He was gone.

𝑀𝒶𝒹𝑒 𝐹𝑜𝓇 𝐸𝒶𝒸𝒽 𝒪𝓉𝒽𝑒𝓇 (Zanechan Oneshots)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora