Chapter 6

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"We're here to save you Y/N!" 

The girl standing in a heroic pose in front of you is Ayumi 

"Thanks?" You say kinda confused, Ayumi is holding a body that on closer inspection belongs to Kyoko

"Wow you're pretty strong... but uh that's not necessary..." You say waving her off

"WHY NOT?" This time its Hisako yelling at you

"Cause' shes a friend" You reply but Hisako just shakes her head

You can't tell if it's out of jealousy or what... but she still tells Ayumi to put Kyoko down.

You crouch down and gently try to wake her up. It takes a while but eventually, she regains consciousness. "Y-Y/N? W-What happened?" She begins, her eyes flutter trying to adjust to the light

"You were knocked out," You say smiling

Kyoko tries to return the smile, but you can tell she feels awkward with all of the other girls giving her death stares.

"Put this on Y/N. We have to sneak out of here" Aiko says firmly handing you a uniform similar to what the working class women wore. You saw them when you entered the hideout for the first time. 

You go to put it on until you realize something: "Wait... aren't these Women's clothes?" You ask confused

"Yep.... oh, that reminds me. Here is a hat, wear this and look down while we move. It'll hide your masculine face" Aiko says 

You quickly return to the bathroom, get changed and then you guys move out. Kyoko doesn't seem to be too upset about leaving her only home to be with you. Maybe it has to do something with what she told you...

You guys find yourself on one of the busiest streets

"Kyoko" you whisper, you're looking straight down so you hope your voice is still projected to Kyoko who is right beside you. "What's up?" She asks, she is smiling but upon closer inspection, you can tell she seems sad. 

"Are you fine? I mean don't you realize they're getting me out and they're taking you hostage?" You ask trying to show a little sympathy 

Kyoko's eyes widen as if she just realized something, "WAIT!!! ARE THEY GOING TO TORTURE ME?!?" 

Everyone in a 20 feet radius immediately looks up and stares at you and Kyoko

"Ha ha!" You laugh trying to defuse the situation, "That was an incredible joke!" You speak trying to make your voice a little higher and feminine but at the same time making sure most people can still hear you

Luckily enough, it works everyone goes back to what they were doing 

"Thanks," Kyoko whispers back to you as you guys continue to follow the others

"No problem," You say smiling back at her, "and no, they aren't going to torture you," You say chuckling to yourself as you say it

She smiles realizing that she was panicking for no reason. You smile back. You never realized how cute she was when she smiles...

Everything seems to stop for a moment. You begin to feel a little bit of regret for rejecting her so harshly... but then out of nowhere you hear someone yell "STOP THEM!!" behind you

"RUN!!!" You hear Aiko, Ayumi and Hisako yell in contrast 

You begin to run with the others but notice that Kyoko is staying back. You stop for a moment. Your heart is beating hard. Your body feels heavy. You notice that Kyoko's eyes begin to get watery. Time seems to drag on even though you know its only been a few seconds. You begin to turn around again but stop when you notice Kyoko mouth something to you...

'I Love You'


Hi everyone. This chapter is intentionally EXTREMELY SHORT. I needed to write something down because for this story I'M GOING THROUGH the WORST writer's block. I decided that if I write a quick and badly written continuation of Chapter 5 I can make Chapter 7 really good and long. Hopefully ;)

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