Chapter 3

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I awoke once more, but this time to violent shaking and the loud yells of my youngest brother, Zander.

"Mmmm." I groaned, pushing him off of me and rolling over.

"Cooper, we're going to McDonald's. Do you wanna come?" asked Billy. Turning over, I smiled.

"Sure." I smiled. "Be down in 10." The two boys grinned and ran downstairs, one after the other. I sighed and climbed out of bed. I grabbed my red hoodie off of my desk chair. As I was about to walk out of my room I caught a glimpse of my reflection in the mirror positioned in the corner of my room. I was drawn back to it. As I stood in front of it I stuffed my body. I thought of everything I've experienced. Well, let's not get into that. I shook my head and pulled my hoodie over my ruffled hair.

"Who's ready for McDonald's?" I yelled, kneeling down to their height. I guess you could say I'm rather tall.

"Alright let's go!" My dad laughed, ruffling my hair. I smiled and followed behind them, locking the door behind me.

"Here." I said as I flung the keys at my dad.

"Thanks Coop." He said sarcastically. However he smiled at me through the windshield.

We finally made it to McDonald's. My dad parked ages away from the entrance causing us all to groan.

"Daddyyyyyyyy! Why so far away?" Zander complained.

"Yeah dad! There's plenty of spaces?" Billy nodded in agreement as we all climbed out the car.

"Well billy my boy, this will be good for your health." My dad winked at him. A small smile appeared on Billy's face making me grin.

"Zander I'll give you a piggyback ride."

"Oh my god! Really?" He beamed. I nodded as he jumped on my back.

"Yeeeeeeehaaaaaaaaw!" He giggled gripping his tiny arms around my neck as I took off down the path.

"Okay! No need to strangle me!" I yelled, over dramatising choking. Zander let loose of my neck and jumped down.

"Thanks Cooper." He grinned.

"Anytime." I smiled, punching his arm lightly. We all walked in and choose a seat. Zander and Billy got the privilege of seat options. We climbed the stairs to the second floor. The two boys ran over to a table near a pair of girls. One of them looked really familiar. I warily strolled over and sat down. One of the girls, the one facing my direction, kept staring... really intensely. I furrowed my brows at her and she just looked at me. I turned my attention to my brothers. They were playing eye spy while my dad had gone downstairs to order food. Then something bizarre happened... The other girl slowly turned around. Oh my god. Oh my god. Oh my god. Her dark brown eyes widened as mine did the same. Nora. She stared at me for a moment too long, in my opinion at least. Then she smiled. I couldn't help it. I smiled back. In fact, I grinned back. And waved. I wanted. God why did I wave?

"Ooooooooo." Zander and Billy giggles. "Cooper has a girlfriend! Cooper has a girlfriend!" They chanted. Pretty damn loudly.

"Shut up!" I hissed at them. They grinned smugly. I rolled my eyes only to see that Nora was watching, as was her stupid friend. I sighed and made a decision. I got up and made my way over. She started acting really shifty. Nora I mean. Her friend, I think it was Avery, stared me down.

"Hey." I smiled awkwardly.

"Hi." She smiled, her cheeks were a funny shade of pink. I noticed that her friend kept staring at her, and then me. I turned to her.

"Oh this is Ariya Dales." She introduced me. "Ariya, this is Cooper. Cooper Waters."

"Hey." I waved awkwardly.

"Oh I know who he is." She smirked, directly at Nora. I frowned contusion washed over me.

"Ow." Ariya moaned but tried to cover it up with a cough. I choked back a laugh.

"Okay well I better go. I'll see you tomorrow?" I asked Nora.

"Yeah. Yeah you will." She beamed. I nodded and smiled.


"Who's that?" asked my dad.

"Just a friend from school." I shrugged. He laughed and handed me my meal.

"Thanks." I chucked, rolling my eyes.

I guess it turned out to be a good night after all.

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