Chapter 2

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I jumped as my eyes readjusted to my surroundings, or more importantly the tall figure standing in front of me.

Mr Jones. The one and only. I chuckled and rolled my eyes. "What's up?"

"What's up?" He repeated, scoffing. "You are such an inconsiderate little-

My eyes flickered to the side and I seen Landon make a stupid face. By the way, Landon is the closest thing I have to a best friend right now. I choked back a laugh as Sir abruptly stopped his rant. His eyes flared.

"GET OUT OF MY CLASS NOW!" He screamed, pointing towards the door aggressively. I jumped a little as the smell of coffee attacked me. I got up and walked out.

After standing there for what felt like forever something interesting happened.

"Guess who!" Someone giggled, shoving me gently.

"Hmmm, I wonder." I laughed, stroking my chin. "Is it- Bella?"

"WHAT THE FUCK?" She yelled, shoving me hard this time. I balanced myself against the wall and turned around. My heart skipped a beat when I saw she was smiling, in fact grinning. Beaming even!

"Oh- it's just you." I smirked, leaning against the wall.

"Yes. It is I. Nora Green. The sun, the moon, the sea." She announced, standing tall and proud.

"More like the canal." I scoffed, jokingly.

"Oh here I forgot. I got you something." She said as she reached into her jacket pocket and pulled out her middle finger. I chuckled sarcastically.

"Ha ha ha."

"I know, I'm hilarious." She giggled, flicking her hair.

I smiled, looking at her a little longer than I meant to. "Uhm- where are you going?" I asked. My eyes flickered from her bag, to her jacket, back to her eyes. Those goddamn eyes. Wait... WHAT? Shut up Cooper, you creep!


Suddenly the classroom door swung open and slammed shut almost at the same time. Nora's eyes widened, as her mouth opened slightly. I frowned at the sight.

"Miss Greens. What are you doing here?" He asked sternly. Mr frickin Jones. All hail. That was most definitely sarcasm by the way. I hate him so much. All the girls drool over him. It baffles me. He isn't anything special.

"Oh- um... I have a pass out." She explained. "See I have the dentist and-

Mr Jones reached his hand out and grabbed the piece of paper out of her hands. I growled. He can't treat her like that.

"How long have you been here?" He asked, peering up from the paper.

"I was just walking past." She lied, smiling worriedly.

"Oh- well you see Nora darling. This was for 2:30..." He checked his watch. "It's now 2:45." I mentally face palmed. Also darling? He's really asking for it.

She stared at him blankly. I shook my head. "It was my fault. I was asking her about the questions in the upcoming English assessment." I lied. Rather well might I add.

"Did I ask you?" He spat. I scoffed.

"No but I gave you an answer so there you go. You got what you wanted. Let her go to her doctors appointment before she's late." I spat back, glaring. He squinted his eyes, studying me for a moment and then sighed.

"Get out of here." He laughed, smiling at her. She nodded at him and smiled at me. My stomach started doing somersaults. I smiled back.

"Now you..."

*after school*

What a day? I'm so drained. I can't wait to get home and sleep.

I dragged myself to my front door and unlocked it. The house was quiet. The house is NEVER quiet. I narrowed my eyes, suspicions rising as I walked through the hall.

"Hello?" I yelled. No one answered. I grinned as I ran upstairs and threw myself onto my bed. I put the tv on and clicked on Netflix. I ended up watching 'The Hangover' because Bradley Cooper is an acting god and his surname is Cooper.

"Hey. Pst. Cooper. Wake up!" I awoke to the gentle shaking and voice of my mother. "Hey baby. You have football practise." I must have fallen asleep while watching the movie. Wait, did she say football?

"Did you say football?" I groaned, rubbing my face with my palms.

"Yeah." She nodded, giggling. "Are you okay honey? You feel like your burning up." She asked, cupping her palm over my forehead. To be honest I don't feel great at all.

"I'm really tired." I yawned, letting my head fall back onto the mountain of pillows I curled up against. There was a blanket over me now. My mum must have placed it on me when she got in. I smiled.

"Maybe you should miss this week?" She frowned. I nodded. Thank fuck. I hate training with that prick Leo.

"Okay. Well, I have to go and see Auntie Freya but I'll be back soon. Your dad is downstairs and your brothers are in their rooms. I think they might be going to McDonald's for dinner." She winked, making me laugh.

"Thanks mum. I love you."

"Love you too sweetie." She kissed my cheek and then left.

Eventually, I fell back asleep.

Stay AwakeNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ