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It has been  two weeks since  Blake left. He came back  once while I was out and he left before I came back. I should not feel like this but it will be a lie if I'd say I don't miss his presence. But then again his words haunt me every night like an eerie phantom fresh out of hell.

I just returned home and I am so tired that I could barely carry myself upstairs so I sat down on the couch. The new house keeper came in and coughed. "Ma'am you look tired, do you want me to to run you a bath? " I looked up to her and smiled. "Nothing would make me happier. " She smiled and did a mini courtesy and went to my room. I have successfully drowned myself in work but sometimes when time slips away and my subconscious mind conspires against me, those horrible words sting my heart. Was I so bad?  That's the question which is haunting my brains out. I shedded off the thought and got off the couch, that's when my phone rang. My bff. "Hey girl what's up" I greeted her meekly. "Okay I know that tone Rose, don't tell me now what happened I will be at your place in half an hour. " I scratched my head like a buffoon. "You are coming?  Now? " I asked her utterly confused. "Yes bitch I am. Don't eat without me. " And with that she hung up. I stood there for a minute like an idiot trying to process when the housekeeper broke my chain of thought. "Ma'am your bath is ready, do you want me to bring your dinner up to the room? " She looked at me expectedly. "Umm no, actually a friend  will be dropping by, so we will be having our dinner in the dining room and also can you put extra pillows in my room? " She smiled. "Ma'am if you want I can put your friend in the guest room... " "No I don't need the guest room... Thanks" I smiled.  "Will that be all ma'am? " She asked and I nodded before she retreated in the kitchen.

I entered the bathroom and was surprised with the arrangements made, damn that girl is really nice. The bathtub was bubbling with fragrant water, there were array of soaps kept near the bathtub stand and a bottle of unopened pink wine and cheese. Finally something nice!  I quickly stripped and immersed myself in the floral scented water and after settling in, I poured myself a generous glass of wine and tilted my head and looked up towards the ceiling. The day's tiredness slowly started to face as my muscles gave up the tensions within them. I heard a car beeping in front of the gate and I realized she is here... I washed off the foam off me and wrapped myself in a fluffy towel and walked out of the bath.

"There was a soft knock on the door. " It's open! " My best friend came in , with a worried frown on her face and before I could say anything, she hugged me. "What's wrong Amy? " She hugged me tighter. "I had a bad feeling Rose that something is not right, please tell me, is everything okay between you and Blaze?  Is your bitch of a sister creating a problem, tell me! " She shook me holding my shoulder. I bit my lip and looked down. "Let's eat first shall we? " I walked out of the room and she followed me without a word. The table was laid with food just about enough for both of us and we wasted no time and started to dig in. None of us spoke and we both ate in silence. Amy finished hers first and she patiently waited as I ate up mine.

We made our ways up the stairs and she slammed the door behind her as she entered and tured towards me. "Spill! " And quite right enough, my tears did spill as I sat on the bed.

"... That bitch.... " Amy whispered as she hugged me. "You know what Rose if he doesn't want you, you don't need him and I know just the way you can show him the same. Tomorrow we are going out and I'll be making sure that the hottest guy in town has his arm around your waist, mark my words. " She said as her jaws tensed up. I giggled at her in between my tears.

I felt a tug in my mouth, a bitter taste rose up my tongue and my insides churned up. .. And before my mind could speculate.. I rushed to the bathroom and poured my stomach out.... Amy ran behind me... "Rose.... Are you okay? " She held my hair was I washed my face... "Yeah I guess... I think it was the food. " She rubbed her hands on my spine and shoulder. "Come on girl, let's get you to bed,  tomorrow we are going to have a long day... You need the energy stock. "

Hey guys sorry because of the late updates. Life is so hectic right now but i promise I will be regular. I know this chapter is not upto the mark but I promise it will be  more interesting from here. Brace yourselves peeps and have a really nice day. I will be adding a bonus update this week so stay tuned. Do turn that white star yellow and leave a comment. It can  be anything assumptions, predictions, questions, anything.. I would love to reply to you guys. Have a nice day. Byee.
Ps. I know this chapter is bad. Sorry.

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