Just your friendly neighbourhood arrestee

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This was so embarrassing. Being arrested for saving the city... is this there way of saying thank you?

I was in the process of catching the criminal gang that had been breaking into stores all over town for the last month. I saw them break in, so what did I do? I swung in through the window and webbed them to the ground. I caught them all red-handed with no way of escaping. But you know what happened next? I turned around and got fucking tased by some random-ass cop! Next thing I know, I'm here in the police station behind the pathetic bars of their little cage.

I've been here for a couple of hours, luckily they didn't ask me to take off the mask. I hear the door of the office open and I jump. A lady cop walks in, in full uniform, with a mug and a clipboard in her hands.

"Here kid, we need you to fill this out" she says, handing me the clipboard. There's a pen on a string taped to it, so I pick it up and start writing. It's simple questions like "Name" and "Reason for Arrest", probably some legal thing. For the record, "breaking and entering" seems like a pretty dumb reason to arrest someone who was LITERALLY stopping a robbery, for the record.

"Write the number of who you want to come pick you up at the bottom" she says, taking a sip from the mug, "Write a fake number if you want, but that'll only mean we'll have to keep you hear longer"

"Don't worry, it's a real number" I say. Praying it's not Tony who picks up, I jot down the Stark Tower number. I don't really have anyone else...

I finish the form and put down the pen, at least I try to... my spidey senses have gone haywire since I got tased. I can't seem to get my hands to stop sticking. Eventually I manage to let go of the pen, receiving some odd looks. I hand the clipboard back to her and she quickly scans it.

"Spider Man.. interesting name" she says, clearly judging me. What else was I supposed to write? There's no way I was going to write Peter Parker!

"Alright, I'm going to go hand this in and someone will be calling the number to have someone pick you up. You probably have another hour or so in that cell.. so get comfy" she says with a smug smile before leaving.

Get comfy haha, sure let me just curl up on this sketchy tile floor. Maybe snuggle with the bars, get on a first name basis with the toil-

I'm interrupted by the window on the far right. It's slowly being opened from the outside... but I can't see who. It creaks open and in crawls a figure in the oh so familiar red and black suit.


"Hey there Spidey!" he says with a smug smile on his face.

Spideypool Behind BarsWhere stories live. Discover now