Part 1.1

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Oliver's P.O.V.

I opened my locker and took out my geometry textbook and held it in my right hand and fumbled inside the locker with my left searching for my ruler. Shit. Damn that thin and transparent fucker. I scraped my hands inside and couldn't find it. It's the last period of the day and my favourite, but I can't go to class without it. "damn it,"

"you know..." I gasped and turned to see two beautiful blue eyes staring at me, " are very cute when you're pissed," Philip said as he leaned on the next locker and grinned at me.

I rolled my eyes at him, "don't startle me like that," I said with a small smile. He gave a crooked grin and my eyes dropped to his mouth. I look away quickly and bit my lip. Gods, Philip's mouth is beautiful, kissable. I can't count how many time since grade six I'd imagined kissing him. I licked my mouth and closed my locker.. I looked him up and down, dressed in his jock jacket looking yummy and handsome, the one person everyone in school wants. But he hangs out with me, a not-so-amazing person who can't even defend himself, and can't even carry his own weight. A soft, helpless kid who cries much more often than he breathes.

But here is someone, who, in his awesomeness has never left my side, my life, and cares about me. It makes me wonder what he sees in me that I don't see in myself. My eyes ran from his sort cropped brown hair to his mouth, his broad shoulders and amazing body. Yes, he has that too. All six packed and jealous. He has to have that, being he's part of the school football team. I'm not, I can't even carry an honest bell.

He was talking but damn if I was paying attention. I forced myself to stop wetting my pants about my best friend and hear what he's saying.

"...if it was so, I'd be interested, but as it is I'm not," he said and I knew he was talking about Amy, he's girlfriend. My heart dropped into my stomach.

I began walking to class and he followed at my heels, "You're never interested, Phil," I said, adjusting my strap bag, trying not to feel jealous and sad that he doesn't know that I love him.

"Well, I don't know," he said and groaned, "she's an amazing person, and she's hot..."


"...but she's a party girl, Ollie, I don't need that drama," he said and I couldn't help but laugh as I approached my class,

"yeah, your mom would have your ass if you bring such a girl home for Easter Celebration," I said and he gave that crooked smile at me,

"yeah well," hooked at me and raised an eyebrow. I knew what that look meant. I shook my head and felt like a load of rock was placed on my shoulders,

"I can't Phil, mom would have my skin," I said, and sudden sadness came over me. I walked into class without saying bye to him. I'm a closeted gay man. I don't do well to rejection and critism. Here in southern California, it's almost worse. My uncle would have my hide, but my mom... I don't know. She loves me. I'm her only child and my bastard father abandoned her when she was pregnant with me. Aunt Cassy and her husband had stood with mom and helped her move here.

If I come out from the closet as gay... Well, let's just say I'm scared shitless.

After geometry class I walked out to the field where the Beavers were practicing. I sat on the bleachers and immediately spotted Philip. He's good at this stuff. All macho man and straight. The thought made me sad. What would he do if he knows of I love him? I scratched my shoulder length thick blond hair and sighed. Everyone in school is pretty convinced that I'm gay. If I come out... maybe there'll be less of a drama. Maybe. But then who would I be with. Philip is sure there, that is as my bestie, but Gods I want him so much.

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