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Y/N's P.O.V

"Go get me a beer".
You go to the fridge, inside there are a two beers, soon the fridge would be filled with beer again when you two went to the store. You grab one and go to the living room. The couch, basically your dad's home. You give the beer to him. He looks at you with a annoyed face.
"You got the wrong one IDIOT".
You feel enormous pain. He hit you with the beer. Glass was everywhere.
You get the trash can and use your hands to clean it up. Your dad doesn't want to buy  cleaning tools. You got a few cuts on your hand. Your dad watches television. He heads to the kitchen to get the beer that he wanted. You see this as a chance to watch some television. It was on the news channel.
"Monsters were freed by a human".
You were interested by this, you contine watching. It shows a picture of a girl.
"This girl saved all the monsters, she is known as a hero. King Asgore, the king of the monsters has signed a peace treaty between humans and monsters".
You hear footsteps, you quickly start cleaning up.
"You can clean that up later".
You get changed, you put on a sweater. You get in the car, it's time for school.

[Timeskip bought to you by TemmieFlakes]

School is over. You are outside, you were just dismissed. You see five bullies cornering two girls into a wall.
"Hi trashbags" one of the bullies say. The girl with the yellow and green striped shirt stands in front of the girl with the purple and blue striped sweater.
"Leave us alone" she says.
You head towards them.
"Leave them alone" you say.
They turn to face you. You motion to the girls to run.
"Or else what" the leader says.
Then a teacher walks into sight, she doesn't see you all.
"Oh crap a teacher, run" the leader says.
They run off.
You head towards the girls.
"Are you two ok" you say.
"Yeah, thanks for helping us".
"I'm Y/N".
"I'm Chara"
You two shake hands.
"And this is Frisk" Chara says.
She points to the other girl.
"For some reason you look familiar" you say.
"Well, she did free the monsters and appeared on TV" Chara says.
You realize she's the same girl from the television.
"Wow. In my opinion you did a really good thing" you say.
"Thanks" she says beaming with pride.
"Hey do you want to come over for dinner as thanks for helping us" Chara says.
"I would love to" you say.
You know that there will be consequences when you get home, but you ignore that.
You walk with them.

You all eventually arrive at their house. Chara knocks on the door, a monster comes out. "Hello children"
The monster looks at you.
"I see you both made a new friend, what is your name child.
"Y/N" You say.
"I am Toriel. Please come in" she says.
You all enter the house.
You see another monster.
"Who's this he says.
"I'm Y/N
"Asriel he says.
You skake his hand


You say goodbye to them.
"You are always welcome here" Toriel says.
You walk to your house, you look at the door. Your dad comes out. You expect to be yelled at.
"I need more beer, get in the car".
This isn't the first time your father had driven drunk. A few cars have already beeped at us for getting in their way.
You still fear death, even though at this point you should have welcomed death. You see a car in front of you. It stopped at a red light. Your dad kept going, you were soon to crash.
"Stop the car" you say.
The car gets faster, you get ready for impact.

You wake up, fire is all around you. Your ears are ringing. You look around and see your dad with limps bent in impossible ways, you didn't really care. Right now you had to get out. You climb out of the broken window, you make it outside. You see police heading toward you.

You black out.

The Surface [Male Reader x Female Chara]Where stories live. Discover now