Chapter 5

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I am guided down the stairs to be met with a pair of green, nearly blue (I mean come on Harry's eyes are practically almost blue now at times) eyes, with long beautiful brown hair.

"Hello Your Highness." He speaks with a deep Cheshire accent, bowing.

My "butler" introduced him, "May I present Prince Harry of Cheshire."

I curtsied smiling, feeling extremely tired and hungry.

"If you'll excuse me Prince Harry, I must get something to eat. I am absolutely famished." I say as politely as I could.

"Of couse Princess. But if you wouldn't mind, may I join you?"

"Um... I don't see why not."

I walked into the kitchen and just grabbed a bowl of cereal.

"So... Prince Harry, why don't you tell me a little bit about yourself?"

He sat at the small breakfast table across from me with a bowl of cereal himself.

"Well, my mum and stepdad are the current rulers of Cheshire. I have an older sister named Gemma, and a cat named Dusty. Um... I don't really do anything interesting in my free time, I am normally in meetings figuring things out and such. But if I do have free time,I like to spend it reading or playing golf." He smiled at me.

"I guess I shouldn't say anything about me since my father probably told you everything about me, hasn't he?"

Harry shyly nodded, silently eating his bowl of cereal.

"Um... I know there are many other suitors Princess, but I would just like to let you know that I would be honored if you chose me, or if you just wanted to stay in touch to stay friends. I just want to make sure that you are happy with whatever decision you make." He smiled. "Oh! And just so you know Princess, since there are so many suitors, the "dates" if you wish to call them are going to be quite short so that you can meet and get to know all of "us" I guess before the week ends."

I nod feeling slightly overwhelmed. "So how long have we been getting to know each other and how long do we have left?"

"We have an hour, and we have 30 minutes left."


The last 30 minutes were spent laughing and learning about each other out in the garden with some tea.

"I-I can't believe you did that!" I laughed.

"Oh come on, I was three. I didn't know that bras belonged on women's breasts. I wanted to know whether I could wear it or not." (I know Harry wasn't three when he had his mom's bra on but just go with it this is the story) 

I couldn't stop laughing until I took deep breaths.

"My goodness you had a very exciting and insteresting childhood." I giggled.

"Sorry for interrupting, but Your Highness, the hour is up. Please show Prince Harry the way out. Your next suitor awaits."

I nod and stand up walking Harry to the front door. Strangely I was sad that he was leaving. We were starting to get close.

"Here." He hands me a paper. "This has my cell phone number on it, so you can just text me whenever you want to talk." Harry smiled.

I placed the paper in the side of my bra smiling. "Once I have time to myself, I think that's exactly what I might do. Thank you for coming Prince Harry, I had a lovely morning with you."

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