Chapter 4

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Sophie considered her actions carefully. The man who called himself Kieran could be lying, but what would he have to benefit from that? In all likelihood, he was who he claimed to be. A covenant leader. An Overseer. The smart thing to do would be to tell him who she was and what her business was, but that would mean being exposed. She could also be brought up on chargers for entering his territory without permission or executed for killing the old man if they knew about that.  

So like any sane person would, she ran.  

She simply turned on her heel and ran like a madman, not looking back once.  

Before she even made it out of the park, she was tackled to the ground. She screamed once and struggled, kicking and punching anything she could. She heard him curse a string of words in another language. 

She felt him trying to restrain her hands various times, before finally succeeding and pinning them above her head.  

She continued struggling until Kieran had had enough. He growled loudly, putting his authority behind the action. Responding immediately, she froze and looked up at him with wide eyes.  

Kieran looked at her, dark luscious hair famed out on the grass, flushed cheeks, and vivid wide blue eyes looking back at him. He breathed in deep, taking in her delicious secretive vanilla scent. 

He suddenly became aware of her warm body moving under him, struggling once again to get away. Sucking in a lungful when she bucked underneath him, his eyes darkened along with his thoughts. His hands tightened reflexively, causing her to struggle even more. Finally, wiggling under him, she reared and threw him off of her. 

She jumped up and ran from him as fast as she could.  

And with that the game began. 

Sophie kept her focus on her hustling feet and the direction she was going. Running out of the park, she jumped into the streets of the city now bustling with activity. She ran through a myriad of streets and turned countless corners, changing her scent each time she did. She dodged the people, weaving through them, cutting off both cars and people in her haste. 

She knew it was a rather desperate and futile attempt. Eventually, they would find her and eventually she would have to deal with the man called Kieran. But not now. She only needed a bit of time to figure out what her next course of action would be. 

Turning a corner, she took an alleyway into another street. Marana Street. Seven miles from her home, but not nearly far enough. 

She chanced a look behind her, breathed a sigh of relief and slowed her pace when she found no one. Then, she scented the air and ran harder. It was his scent. 

Turning another corner sent her crashing into a firm chest with a squeal of surprise. She fell back on her ass and looked up. 

"Found you, little mouse." Kieran looked down at her grimly. She winced when he hauled her up briskly brusquely by the arm. 

"Sorry, Mr. Cat." Sophie grabbed his arm and yanked it off her, obviously surprising him with her strength. "I'm not done running yet," she called over her shoulder as she ran into the crowds of humans.  

Surely, he wouldn't try anything in front of so many- 

She cried out in pain. Her body was forced back into two muscular arms. She gasped softly when he pressed his body flush against hers. He leaned down and whispered in her ear. 

"Little mouse, you're drawing too much attention." His husky voice brushed along her neck, she thought she heard a slight accent. 

She snapped her head up and looked at the humans. She didn't have to guess what they thought was going on. The girls were giggling, the boys snickering, and the elders shaking their heads.  

Kieran wrapped his arms around her waist, drawing her closer. She shivered at his touch. 

He turned her around, keeping his arms locked around her waist, and looked into her eyes. Lowering his head ever so slowly and stopping only a breath away from her lips, he allowed his lips to brush over hers when her breath hitched. 

He grinned. "I think it is time we talked. Somewhere else." 

Sophie inhaled sharply when she felt the tip of the knife against her stomach.  

"Now, little mouse," he whispered harshly when she didn't move. "It wasn't a request." 

She glared at him when he pressed the knife into her as warning. He straightened and smirked, knowing full well the effect he'd had on her only moments before. 

"You will do exactly what I tell you to do. I will let you go in a few seconds and when I do you will not try anything. We will walk to my home where you will explain exactly what you are and why you are in my territory." 

He almost laughed when he saw the anger flash in her eyes. He couldn't deny he liked seeing her riled up. 

Sophie saw his amusement and her shackles rose. The arrogant prick! It was about time she got him back for the little incident earlier. She'd be damned if she let him get the better of her with a simple kiss like that. She'd show him what a real distraction was. 

Rising onto her toes, she wrapped her arms around his neck, bringing him down to her and surprising him. Grabbing onto his hair, she let her lips brush lightly against his jaw and smiled when she heard him hiss. She pressed her mouth right below his ear, sucked gently and heard him make a sound of pleasure before she nipped his ear gently. 

He turned his face quickly and crashed his lips to hers. Sophie put as much force into the kiss as he did, matching passion for passion, allowing the heat to rise in both of them. When he would have broken away for a breath, she kept his mouth firmly on hers, holding him there until they were both dizzy.  

Then she broke away to look up at his darkened eyes and whispered, "I don't follow orders very well." 

She backed away, more unsteady than she cared to be. "See you later, Mr. Cat." 

She turned and ran again, though this time he didn't follow.


okayy so REALLY long time since my last update, but yeah here it is!! Finally!!!

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