Chapter 1

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Three weeks later 

Sophie sat inside the office waiting for the owner of the diner, Delectable Dining, to come in for her interview. It was a small office with only two windows that allowed the afternoon sun to stream in. the chairs were comfy and there were small knickknacks spread out around the place making it seem homier.  

In this town she was called Sophie Callum and had already enrolled in the university in the town. Just because she was constantly on the run didn't mean she wasn't going to stop going to school. Her parents would have wanted her to finish. 

Sophie tensed as she heard the door opening, but willed herself to relax, knowing it was only the owner. 

"Hello, Ms. Callum. How are you?" An old man came around to sit in the desk in front of her. He was on the short side with a balding head and kind muddy brown eyes. She had spoken to him over the phone to discuss a job, hearing a raspy and cheerful voice on her end. Sophie just knew they would get along great. 

She was tired of all the bitchy bosses she'd come across before. 

"Hello, Mr. Andrews. I'm fine, thank you, and yourself?" she replied, remembering her manners. 

"Oh, I've told you before child! There is no need to be so formal with me, call me James." He smiled at her with twinkling eyes as he studied her. "Why you're a pretty little thing, aren't you? I must say over the phone you sounded very different. How old are you, hon?" 

"Nineteen." She said. Then added, "But that won't affect my work! I have a lot of experience and I'll work really hard!"  

"Calm yourself," he said with a chuckle. "I have no doubt you'll work at your fullest, but I must know. Why do you want this job? Surely there are plenty of other places to work? A young woman of your age would like working in a more 'hip' place, would she not?" 

Sophie laughed a little and thought about the question before answering him carefully. "Many people my age would go out and find a job that's high paying and popular," she said, agreeing. "But, I don't want a job that will attract attention. I like the atmosphere in this place. It's quiet, friendly, and welcoming. It's perfect." 

"Now I'm absolutely positive that you'll be perfect for the job, but I must let you in on a little secret." He leaned toward her and motioned with his hand for her to come closer. 

Sophie leaned forward to hear his secret as her eyes widened in surprise and curiosity. Her reaction couldn't have delighted him more. 

The old man looked around the room, his eyes darting left to right as if looking for eavesdroppers. "You've already got the job," he whispered. 

Sophie stared at the old man confused. "Then, why-" 

"I couldn't go and hire some girl I hadn't even met." He smiled widened. "I'd look senile." 

Sophie couldn't help the laugh that escaped from her. 

"This meeting is only so I don't look completely incompetent; it's purely going through the procedures. Truth is there weren't very many good candidates. The best you were running against was a cat with an apron that hadn't even applied!" 

Sophie let out another laugh and bowed gallantly from her seat. "Well, it would be my honor if I could replace that very fortunate cat. I probably smell better." 

She watched with a smile as the man let a deep laugh emanate from his chest.  

"Oh, I knew I liked you." James stood and motioned her to follow him. "Now, come, let me show you the family." 

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