Chapter One

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Chapter One

Lilly's P.O.V

The TARDIS made that wheezing, groaning sound as it landed.

"So where are we now?" Donna asked. I could tell she was trying to hold in her excitement. They always do.

"Yeah Dad, where are we?" I said with a little more curiosity excitement. Don't get me wrong, I still get excited with every new adventure. Just not as much as his companions do.

"How about, we open the doors to find out?" my dad said. he tried to act like he didn't know where or when we were, but I knew that that was a lie. We all walked over to the front of the TARDIS, my dad in the lead. He stopped when he got to the doors and turned around. "Are you to ready for whatever may lie behind these doors?" Donna and I looked at each other.

"Yes!" we said at the same time.

"Well someone's excited. Well, two someones." He looked at Donna. "Do you want to open them?" he asked. Donna looked at me with a smile on her face. She walked over to the doors and pulled one open. I craned my neck to see out the door.

"It's just some old house," she said, all the excitement gone from her voice.

"What?" My dad asked turning around. I went over to door and squeezed in between my dad and his companion to get a better look. All I saw was a pretty empty room. Besides the TARDIS in the centre of the room, there was an old-fashioned desk against the wall to the left and a few antique paintings along the walls. There was dust and cobwebs everywhere.

"No one has been here for years." my dad said.

"What makes you say that?" Donna asked sarcastically. My dad just looked at her, then stepped out of the TARDIS. He turned around to face us.

"Well come on then," he said. Donna followed after him. I just stood there. I got that weird feeling I get when I shouldn't trust someone or something. Every once in a while it's wrong though, but it was really strong right then. "You coming Lilly?" my dad asked. I shook my head.

"I have a bad feeling about this house," I said.

"It's just a house." Donna said. Dad stepped out of the room.

"Come on Lilly. Think of it as an adventure," he said. I smiled. Maybe they were right.

"Hang on," I said. "Let me grab something." I went back into the TARDIS to find my sketchbook. I always bring it wherever and whenever we go because sometimes (surprisingly) I get bored. I couldn't find it anywhere! Panic spread throughout my body. "Dad, have you seen my sketchbook?" I asked, stepping out of the TARDIS.

"You mean this?" my dad replied. He held up the bag I keep my sketch book in.


"Allons-y," was all he said. I smiled and stepped out of the box. All of as sudden, the door to the room slammed shut.

"DAD!" I yelled, rushing to the door.

"DOCTOR!" Donna yelled at the exact same time I did. She, too, ran to the door. I grabbed the knob turned it. it turned easily, but the door didn't budge. We were calling for my dad as I frantically tried to open the door, when we heard his voice.

"Girls, girls. Calm down," he called. We stopped shouting and banging on the door. "Now I'm going to try to open the door, so stand back." We did as we were told. Then, we heard a thump against the door. We heard it again. After about the third time, it got quiet. Too quiet.

"Dad?" I managed to say after a few agonizing moments of silence. Donna and I looked at eachother, with worrysome looks. I looked back at the door. I slowly reached my hand up to the knob and turned it. I took a deep breathe, and pulled. The door opened. I stepped out of the room and looked down the long hallway. I looked left and I looked right. No sign of my dad anywhere. "Dad? DAD!" I yelled. Where had he gone.

"Come on, let's go find him." Donna said, also stepping out of the room. I could hear the panic in her voice. Where had my father gone? We started walking down the hall.

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