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Above is a song that I feel relates to the character. Some will be songs I love some are Disney or Pixar. I will be doing this every chapter and saying who I think the song relates to. I think this song relates to Percy. Also at any point if you want to ask why it relates feel free to comment and I'll respond telling you why.

Percy POV

I was at home and all of a sudden a random owl came and flew in. It dropped a letter that was addressed to me on the front it read

 It dropped a letter that was addressed to me on the front it read

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Persues  Jackson

The bedroom on the right


That was weird I don't know how they knew where I lived that's creepy I call my mom and while she's coming I open it and start reading the paper inside

That was weird I don't know how they knew where I lived that's creepy I call my mom and while she's coming I open it and start reading the paper inside

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( random note, during authors notes i'll call you marshmallows I didnt create that but i saw it in a book an thought it would be cool~Author). My mom came down and gasped a the note she said "where did you get this". I just shrugged like how was i supposed to know. I asked what this was and she explained d that she was a Hufflepuff at a school called Hogwarts and that i would go there to learn magic over the school year, i was thinking to myself great just great another school to get expelled from.

Hello marshmallows, I'm not doing Harry's POV in this because we already know what happened if you read Harry Potter if not you should read it its amazing Percy Jackson is also equally amazing I'm writing this at school so its under slow editing especially cause its state testing time  bye- Author

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