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The rest of the family burst through the doors into the courtyard, Reginald's urns in Luther's hands.
"No." Lara looked over at Five.
"Maybe-" Five blurted out.
The rest of them gave the two puzzled looks. "O....k?"
"Did something happen?" Grace asked.
Allison looked over at her, a look of bewilderment on her face. "Dad died. Remember?" Grace looked down.
"Oh. Yes, of course."
"Is Mom Ok?" Allison looked at Diego, asking for answers.
"Yeah. Yeah, she's fine." Klaus snuck out a cigarette, and lit it, puffing out a large cloud of smoke. Diego gave Klaus the side-eye. "She just needs to rest. You know, recharge." Rain was pouring down on all of them, Luther, Lara and Five the only ones without umbrellas. "Are you ready?" Pogo looked at Luther holding the urn. Luther stepped forwards, squinting through the rain. He slowly took the lid off, pouring out the ashes. They all fell out in a clump, leaving a small dune at his feet. The others grimaced. "Probably would have been better with some wind."
"Does anyone wish to speak?" Pogo looked around him. The others remained silent. "Very well." He paused. "In all regards, Sir Reginald Hargreeves made me what I am today. For that alone, I shall forever be in his debt. He was my mentor... and my friend, and I shall miss him very much. He leaves behind a complicated legacy-"
"He was a monster." Diego started, causing everyone to look at him, Klaus snickered. "He was a bad person, and a worse father. The world's better off without him-"
"Diego." Allison cautiously warned him,
"My name is Number Two. You know why? Because our father couldn't be bothered to give us actual names. He had Mom do it."
"Would anyone like something to eat?" Grace's voice was shaky.
"No, it's ok,  Mom." Vanya smiled at Grace.
"Oh. Ok." Grace smiled her millionaire and looked back towards Luther.
"Look, you wanna pay your respects? Go ahead. But at least be honest about the kind of man he was." Diego continued, spinning around to get a look of everyone. "You should stop talking now." You could tell that Luther was getting angry with Diego, his voice almost a whisper. Diego still continued, "You know, you of all people should be on my side here, Number One."
"I am warning you," Klaus, Five and Lara shared a quick glance, then turned back to look at Diego and Luther.
"After everything he did to you?" Lara stepped forward.
"Hey. Diego. Watch it." Diego ignored her irritated tone.
"Diego, stop talking." Luther was clenching his fists in anger.
"That's how much he couldn't stand the sight of you!"
"Shut up!" Lara screamed. Diego turned to face her.
"You too, Nine. He did so many bad things to you. He kept you locked up, treated you like a weapon. You surely can't and won't miss him, you realise?"
"Stop! Diego, shut up!"
"Diego, you don't wanna-"
"But you're defending him? You're defending the man who kept you away from the world," Lara clenched her fists, her blood boiling. "The man who kept you 13 for the 17 years of your life, sedating you every time you stepped out of line?"
"That's it." Lara muttered, as she jumped forward, hitting Diego with a punch, right in the shoulder. Making him retaliate, aiming a hit for her head. Lara dodged it, making him hit the air next to her shoulder. She stepped back, and when he threw another punch, flashed out a force field, making his fist fly right back out.
"Hey, hey!" Vanya yelled, trying to get them to stop.
"Stop that! Right now!" Pogo stepped forward, but changed his mind as Diego pulled out a blade.
Lara saw the blade, the light glinting off of the sharp edge. "Come on, 9! Show me what you got."
"Hit him!" Klaus yelled.
"You know what happened last time, Diego." Luther warned. This seemed to make Diego's persona flicker for a moment, but then he went back to the taunting grin he was sporting before.
"Hit him!"
"What happened before?" Five whispered to Klaus. Klaus looked down and shook his head. "Another time." Pogo shook his head and walked inside. Lara ran towards Diego, and at the last minute, duplicated herself and grabbed his knife out of his hand. She made the duplicate disappear, and grabbed Diego from behind, pushing the knife against his neck. The others held their breaths. "Don't try me, Diego. You know that won't end well." Her voice was low, and she spoke into his ear so the others couldn't hear her. But Diego kicked Lara's feet out from underneath her, making her skid to the floor and drop the knife. The others flinched and looked in pity, but Lara stood up, clenching her fists, her eyes turning black. "Somebody stop her!" Luther yelled. Diego started to look scared, retreating slightly, but Klaus ran in and grabbed Lara's arms. "Not now, L. Now's not the time." Lara squirmed, trying desperately to get free of his grip.
"No- no let me go!" Lara elbowed Klaus in the chest, her black eyes gleaming. Five stepped in and separated the two.
"We don't have time for this, L." He grabbed her around the shoulders, and walked inside with the other. 'Jesus, I see what they mean.' Five looked back towards Klaus, mouthing 'Sorry', with an awkward smile. Lara's breathing settled down, her eyes turning normal. "Jeez, I'm sorry. I didn't mean for it to escalate that quickly." Five's voice when he respond was gentle, making Lara instantly feel warm and calm inside. "It's ok, Nine. We all get angry sometimes."

xanny (f.hargreeves!)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora