Chapter seven

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(Y/n) wandered around the trees at the edge of the lake, searching for Diaval, her green dress floating in the gentle breeze. Something caught her eye. In the clearing ahead was a picnic laid out by the water. Her heart soared with joy but soon dropped again when she realised Diaval was not there. Just as she was about to turn around to look for him, she felt his arms snake around her waist and pull her close to him. His breath tickled her neck as he buried his head in her shoulder. 

"This is so beautiful. Thank you." (Y/n) whispered, turning around in his arms so that she was facing him. Diaval placed a small kiss on her lips before taking her hand. 

"My lady." He took her over to a rock, bowed, before sitting her down on it. He then offered her food and they sat and ate in the dying light. 

A cool breeze blew across the lake, making (y/n) shiver. Diaval noticed and jumped up quickly. Tenderly, he wrapped his arms around her, trying to warm her up. She turned to look into his dark eyes, the moonlight making them sparkle. 

"I'm so happy I found you." She rested her forehead against his, their noses touching. They stayed there for a little while, oblivious to the dark clouds looming ahead. A cold drop of water splashed on (y/n)'s bare arm. They looked up at the sky as the heavens opened. (Y/n) stood up and pulled Diaval along by the hand through the pouring rain, the pair of them laughing and dancing as they got soaked. They splashed around in the puddles that were beginning to form without a care in the world whilst everyone else sheltered. 

Eventually, they reached the cave, soaked through to the skin and starting to shiver. Diaval bent down slightly to kiss (y/n). It was slow and sensual but quickly became heated and passionate. (Y/n) tugged on his damp shirt and they broke the kiss as he pulled it over his head. She then trailed her fingers down his chest before wrapping them around his neck. Dival had one hand in her hair and the other on her back, holding her close to him. They broke away, gasping for air.

"It's getting late." (Y/n) said softly. They changed out of their damp clothes and curled up, small smiles on their faces, holding each other tightly. 

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