Chapter 3. In which Albus does something stupid.

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"Master, we have a visitor."

Rikuo sighed. He had almost finished packing for his clan tour.

"Who is it?"

"An elderly human. His beard is quite impressive."

Rikuo looked over at Natto Kozo with an amused expression. "Is he alone?"

"Yes, master. We could not see or sense any others. But, master, this human has a stronger aura then the others."

Rikuo sighed and glanced at the night sky, before assuming his human form. "Let the others know to let him pass but I want Kurotabo, Kubinashi and Zen with me when we meet him."

Once everyone was hidden, a bit annoyed last night show hadn't worked as well as they thought, they opened the gate.

Dumbledore removed his shoes and too the offered pair of slippers, making the yokai hidden in the rafters murmur amongst themselves. This one had manners. The others had barged in and tracked mud everywhere.

"The Master will see you now," Kejoro said, leading Dumbledore to the conference room.

Rikuo, Kurotabo, Zen and Kubinashi all sat, drinking tea or sake, waiting for Dumbledore to arrive.

When the wizard entered he bowed in respect, standing until Rikou gestured for him to take a seat.

Rikuo sat in the middle of a raised platform, placing him above all three of his aides, who were on either side and slightly before him, and far above Dumbledore, who was sitting a good six inches below him.

"We told you the next time you wizards appeared you would be dealt with. The Mahoutokoro school refused Master Rikuo for a reason, and yet you persist." Kurotabo said. "Why are you here?"

"Before I answer that question I have one of my own," Dumbledore said.

"Maybe not." Said the yokai who thought Albus had manners.

In an instant, there were no less than three swords at his neck. "How dare you disrespect the master!" Zen said, parallel to Kurotabo."

Dumbledore froze. "Forgive me, Lord Rikuo. I meant no disrespect. Especially after you have granted me this audience."

Kubinashi nodded after watching the master and Zen and Kurotabo released the headmaster before returning to their seats.

"Speak," Kubinashi ordered.

"Before I came here I was told an amazing tale of how this home was a yokai nest."

"Are you accusing us, Albus?" Kurotabo asked venomously, his eyes narrowing.

"Merely asking."

"You show much bravery for someone who believes this place is filled with demons. Coming here alone and facing our master." Zen smirked.

Kubinashi flicked his fingers and a red string came from the ceiling, wrapped around Dumbledore's wand and pulled it into the rafters.


The door opened. "Yes, master?" The yuki-onna said, yes pale blue since she was disguised as a human.

"Bring me my pipe."

"Of course, Lord Rikuo."

She was back in a moment, presenting the engraved 500-year-old pipe with a small pot of tobacco that had been grown in Toono.

Rikuo lit the pipe with a snap of his fingers and drew a deep breath. "You are far braver than the others, or perhaps just foolish." He looked at Dumbledore with red eyes. "Why have you come here?"

My beloved world of Darkness. Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat