Chapter One

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Chapter One

You know how in books and movies that Nashville is played out to be the best city in country music, where everyone's dreams came true? The celebrities, the music, the love, the drama. Even with the drama, they still make it seem flawless. I wasn't much for believing in fairy tales and getting my hopes up. I thought the whole thing was pointless and just beyond ridiculous. Fate, soulmates, it was all made up to make people believe that they stood a chance. They forget to mention the crowded streets, violence, and poor education.

My feet felt glued to the floor once I walked through the door of Vanderbilt University and saw the crowded hallways flooded with people trying to get to their classes and rooms. The boxes that I was currently holding were weighing down my arms as I started to walk at a quick pace, scanning over the room for numbers.

Her cheeks turned bright red when she caught me staring at her, the light in the room was making her look as bright as an angel. My angel. I rested two fingers underneath her chin and lifted it up. I could feel myself getting lost in her hazel eyes. My lips met hers after a few seconds and I grabbed her by the hips, bringing her body as close as ever to mine. I loved the feeling of it, I loved her. Nibbling on her lower lip, I felt her warm breath as she let out a soft moan into my mouth.

"Hey," I jumped at the outburst from a female voice, causing the box to drop on my toes. "Watch where you are going, country boy. " I raised an eyebrow at the attitude sneaking up in between her words as I bent down to grab the box, adjusting it to regain my balance. "I-I mean.. hi, I'm Autumn." She extended her hand which I shook, laughing at the sudden shyness.

"I'm Brandon," she giggled uncontrollably. Is this chick okay? As I began to walk away, towards the dorm room that I was in search for, I heard the sound of her footsteps follow me.

"Do you know when your classes start? I could show you around the campus and walk with you, or we could sit together at lunch and oh.. what about studying? I have straight A's, I could help you with that!" Her voice shouted out in a super excited tone, making me chuckle.

"Come by tomorrow morning. I'm a bit tired so I think I might crash." I spoke in a low tone. She nodded and left with a smile.

After she left to head towards the opposite way, I was back on my route. Number after number, I felt like I was a lost little boy that couldn't find his mommy in a grocery store. The hallway was a dim but bright, beige color that gave you a wrong feeling. A feeling of dullness. It took me back to freshmen year, where I had felt so small in such a big hallway, so many lights to look at and doorways to enter through. My biggest fear then was ending up in the wrong classroom. Compared to now, where all I fear is the feeling of failure or heading for the wrong path in life.

As I swung open the door to the room, I came to face an empty room. Although the room was empty, I immediately felt at ease. A chill ran through my body, the air was on and there was nobody else that had moved in yet. I hoped that I wouldn't be the only one living here when I was really looking forward to making a friend. Who knows, maybe he is running late.

Just as I felt myself falling deeper into a train of thought, "Aye." I turned my head to see someone looking straight at me. He was a dark person, I could just tell. I usually have a feeling for those things. His hair was dark, his eyes were dark - and not just colorwise. He couldn't just come in and start unpacking his things. Why do these people feel the need to make a conversation with everyone so sudden?

"What's up, man?" His eyes felt like they were burning into me, like the saying that if looks could kill. It reminded me of those movies, where if you look into the demon's eyes, they'll have your soul captured. They traveled from my messy hair all the way down to the tiptoe of my worn in shoes. "You wanna take a picture and hang it up instead of staring at me?"

"Funny shit," He spat harshly, rolling his eyes so far back into his brain.. if he had one. "look, you're new and every new kid needs a partner in crime. I'm Justin, do you smoke?"

Laughing, I nodded my head no. "I have not. What you got?" He motioned for me to follow him over to his part of the room and I did. A few seconds afterward, we were being welcomed by three other guys and five girls. I let myself fall into one of the bean bag chairs that had been already placed here. My eyes followed in a verticle direction over every figure in the room and I felt myself freeze up when I came across a familiar face. Why did she look even more beautiful in the lighting?

Her medium length, chestnut colored hair, shined in the light as she was talking amongst herself and scrolling past her feed on her iPhone 8. The way the ends of her mouth twisted up into a half smile. That smile that wasn't a stranger to me. The hazel eyes, the angelic laugh. She set her phone down and picked up a blunt, she placed it in between her soft yet glittery looking lips and started to talk to the girl beside her. Though, nobody would ever match the beauty that she carries. Her shirt complimented her eyes. It had so many colors from the black sleeves to the grey background of the actual shirt itself, to the baby blue printed words that read Dan + Shay. Her dark blue jeans tightened perfectly around her thighs. The holes that they designed weren't too big nor too small but looked perfect for her body shape. All of a sudden, I remembered that this was the girl I had been dreaming of for months... I don't know if I had ever met her before but her face was everywhere.

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⏰ Last updated: May 04, 2019 ⏰

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