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She watched the mortals run to their jobs, all late and none really working hard. Midna scoffed. If she was that late her payment would have been taken away for a week. Instead of being fired, her pay was simply suspended. Her unwavering speed was a valuable asset.

She was excited to start her assassin job, and it was unlikely she would find another different place that would offer a job as good as the one she was training for. Being a messenger was useful for learning endurance. That was pretty much it.

She was a messenger, the one and only. She wished some mortals would join. Life would be so much easier. Elves were a rare occurrence, they didn't have parents, they would be born in places where they were needed. This happened in most cases, some cases they would appear in the wrong place. Midna often wondered if she was a malfunction.

She sensed there was something for her here, just waiting to be discovered. Maybe it was Nathan. Probably not. The bag full of letters was slowly shrinking, and she slowed her pace a little. She would be traveling to another city that day.

The city of Vernon was a smaller city than Edin, her own city. It was named after the elf Ederin the councilman. He was still out there somewhere. She shuddered, remembering the terrible things he had done. Only a few knew about it, and she had discovered it in a notebook in a wall. She had been replacing her walls when she had found it. Most peculiar...

she didn't really know what to think of it. Midna was an elf, and would live nearly fifty thousand years, and it would take at least twenty men to kill her. She was not invincible however, almost no elf lived to their life span. It was, possible though. She planned to leave the kingdom eventually because of the large numbers of assassins starting to gather in the area, and they seemed to target elves. Oddly enough, they were able to kill many elves. It was a sin against god to kill such mighty beings.

The day became late, and she gave the last of the letters to the outside of Vernon. She spent the night there and traveled back to Edin in the morning. Edin was a large city, there was many elves that lived there. Elves had much less rights then normal humans did, and she wondered why there wasn't more rebellions. There had been a few more in the past but they had all been killed. Midna shockingly got the day off and she took it.

She spent the day with Nathan, and they practiced power usage. His power was water bending. He could make firm shapes and he could even heat the water. It was very powerful. She used a few orbs as a shield to block the water, and aimed a few more at his feet. They hit him and he squealed. He then sent some water at her and Midna let him hit her. They gave up after another hour. Midna these really left some bruises! He said shocked. He used the water to heal himself, then he healed her.

The day ended with a picnic dinner. Nathan packed it, and Midna brought a blanket. The stars glowed brightly, and the moon shone brighter than it ever had. Midna went back to her room after another hour and fell asleep. Her day off had been a pretty good day. The next day she went and got twice as many letters, as the post had been closed the day before. She collected her quarter payment, and went off to deliver the letters. She got her full payment after she finished.

She went to the underwater city of Laamar and spent the day traveling there. Laamar was one of the biggest cities in the region, and it was a large system of tunnels. They all eventually led out to the common area, where there was the palace. Midna had a letter to deliver to the palace, so she needed to make her way to the very heart of the city. A siren queen ran the city, and she did a very good job of it. Minda didn't see a single homeless person or supernatural being on the streets the entire time she ran to the palace. Either everyone had a home, or there was shelters around the city.

After half the day of traveling Midna finally made it to the palace, and delivered the letter safely. The guards thanked her and she was on her way. The queen from Edin was the one to send the letter, she wondered what it was about. The day was still young, and she spent the rest of the afternoon delivering letters around the vast city. Each tunnel system had hundreds of houses.

After delivering the last letter, Midna went to look for an inn and some hot dinner, she had swam through some water to get to one of the island houses and she was cold. The inn she ended up staying at was extremely cheap, because it was meant for messengers. She took some letters the innkeeper wanted delivered and got some money from him. She used the money to buy herself some dinner.

The next day Midna traveled to Vernon to deliver the last few letters, and delivered the Inn keeper's letter in Edin. when she got back she was told she could take an hour long break before getting started again. Usually, the humans got a two day break before being sent out again. When she brought it up to her boss he threatened to suspend her payment. She decided to shut up. The hour long break was spent sleeping, and she was rudely awoken by having a knife thrown at her boot. Thankfully, her boots were very thick.

The last few hours of the day were spent traveling Edin, and she took her time so she wouldn't be sent out again. She only had a few months left of working, and she could bear it. Soon she would be the queen's assassin, soon she would have an exciting and fulfilling life, soon she would have more wealth then she ever had. Soon she would be treated like a person, instead of a slave.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03, 2019 ⏰

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