"Is she asleep again?" Nat's cautious whisper was barely audible.

"I think so. She's breathing steady."

Eloyse fully relaxed into his arms, finally deciding to trust this man she'd known for barely any time. The last thing she remembered was hearing Natasha and Clint's hushed arguing as they approached the jet.


A loud crashing rattle and jolt awakened Eloyse. She sat straight up, and grimaced as her ribs reminded her not to.

"Easy, easy!" Steve was yelling. "Don't just slam it down!"

"I'm not!" Clint shouted back.

"Not there!" Tony screeched. "You trying to kill us all?!"

"No, just a few annoying ones!" Clint, in the pilot's seat, couldn't take his eyes away to give Tony the glare he deserved. Natasha was in the co-pilot's seat, quietly and skillfully handling her part of the jet. Eloyse eyed Tony. He seemed alright for his near brush with death. She got to her feet and awkwardly made her way to Wanda and Pietro. They were both close on a bench, but when they saw Eloyse coming, they scooted apart and Wanda patted the area between them.

"What's wrong?" Eloyse asked, slipping into the spot. She was scared. It felt safer between the Maximoff twins.

"We got hit by something." Wanda spoke just loud enough to be heard over the sick wailing of the engines. She seemed to realize the younger girl was scared, and put an arm around her comfortingly. "Clint's doing an emergency landing."

"At least, he's trying to." Buck chimed in. "Let's just say he lacks in certain areas. Especially when the plane he was flying gets shot."

"I heard that!" Clint yelled over his shoulder. "That was mean, Buck!"

Bucky shrugged, unconcerned. Eloyse was getting the impression the team teased each other a lot. The plane struck the ground with a jolt that knocked everybody around. Wanda and Pietro hugged Eloyse between them as the three slid to one side of their bench. Bucky was left to fend for himself. He was thrown clear to the other side of the cabin. With a grinding, screeching noise, the jet came to a half halt, tipped up on its nose. Pietro scampered through the debris and shoved open the emergency hatch. Eloyse suddenly remembered her horse, and deserted Wanda so quick the brunette thought Pietro had snatched her away.

Damian's frightened squeals sounded loud in the sudden silence of a dead jet. Eloyse reached his area, finding him standing on a wall, his once-floor now a wall at the angle the plane was at. She frowned, debating how to get him out. A pattering of feet sounded behind her as Wanda climbed up to where Eloyse was. She saw the predicament at once. After momentary hesitation, she turned to Eloyse.

"I can get him out."

Eloyse gave her a questioning look, but agreed. A few minutes later, they were ready. Wanda raised her hands, emitting a red glow. Eloyse watched, fascinated, as Wanda used her telekinesis to safely bring Damian to the ground. By that time, the team had sorted themselves out, and were looking around their wrecked plane. It had taken such a hit to the fuselage, that it was a wonder any of them had survived, much less crash-landed the plane without breaking it too much more.

Eloyse fetched out her gear, trying to do it with minimal pain. She saddled Damian while Tony gave the team a lengthy and scientific reason he couldn't just fix the jet. Finished tacking up and strapping her little bit of stuff on the back of the saddle, Eloyse led Damian over to where the team was huddled. She sat down to listen to them as she hurriedly wrote and drew on a piece of paper.

"I'm leaving. Here's a map of the area you guys are in. Quite near the center of Alkotratz, but that's ok because we're not far from where I want to be. Thanks for the help!"

Everyone stared at her. For some reason, it had never occurred to them that Eloyse would leave soon, even though she'd mentioned leaving quite a bit in the last few days. She smiled at them. Clint stood up. He walked several steps towards her, then stopped when she swung up on Damian.

"Eloyse, please?"

She shook her head. "I left home looking for my brother, and I'm going to find him. Being your guide was temporary, and I thought you understood?"

Clint sadly nodded. "We did, we just didn't realize you'd go so quick."

Steve rose, coming to stand by Clint. "He speaks for all of us."

"Sorry." Eloyse wasn't swayed. "I'm going." She turned Damian. The team helplessly watched as she walked the horse away. "Bye!"

"Bye..." Clint replied in a lonesome tone. He dropped back to his place on the grass. "It wasn't like she was too needed..." he mused. "She left a map, got us closer to the next base. We'll be fine. Just I was kinda liking her."

Tony went to attention. "Aha! You like her! Not me! I knew it!" He teased.

"I do not! I mean, I do! No, no! Well, I do, but I don't. I like her, not love her. There's a difference, you see!.... I do not like her in the romance sense. She's only fifteen! Give me a break!"

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