I'm Back Kinda...

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Hello everyone sorry to keep you all waiting for 8 months but I am back kinda...

I'm right now really busy with my school tests and I know that I was on hatius for like a year. But, I promise this weekend I will explain and try to clean up my account because my life right now is a damm mess.

Quick life update I am now in a boarding school (I am surprised that I have survived until now lol) and I can't do anything right now as my laptop was confiscated in February and I still don't have it back. So that makes it really hard to sort out everything in my life right now. So yeah that and also the fact that I have switched my phone from a iPhone to an android equals nothing gets sorted out.

Anyways I should probably wrap this up cause I'm running out of time. So yeah see you all this Weekend when I finally post and explain my life story or something like that.


This song describes me so well when I'm tried.

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