- Dear Mum and Dad,
I know I rarely talk to you and I'm sorry I let you down, but know that I'm always going to look after you. Take my house and my company it's all yours. I really do love you guys even though I never said it.
Love Mark xx-

- Dear Haechan,
I want you to know ....- I can't carry on writing I feel a heavy pounding in my head and I feel light headed. The walls all around me are closing in rapidly. Soon it was all black.

"M...MA...MAR...MARK!!" I hear fading in and out.

The low, quiet sound of Syrians all around me.

"Mr Lee stay awake.." everything was mumbled.

Everything except..

"Please Mark. Wake up. I need you." It was Haechan. After those words my body shut down.

—————————————2 days later——————————————
It's all my fault if I hadn't pushed him away and just forgiven him nothing would've happened I was stupid and stubborn. I let the only person I have ever loved go and maybe this time he's truly gone. I sit and cry in the waiting room. I've been here for the past 2 days waiting for Mark to wake up. I found letters in his kitchen counter and ever since I can't stop thinking about them.

Taeyoung and jaehyung have been here as well but they go home to look after Ji-Yoo. I'm currently waiting for the doctor to tell me any updates on Mark's condition. As of now he's still unconscious. But the good news is he has not cuts, bruises or cancers.

"Mr Lee? Would you like to see your husband?" The doctor asks and yes I had to say we were married because if not I wouldn't be able to see him regularly and it's useful we have the same last name.

I walk into Mark's room and wires and tubes are all connected to him. I stare at the machines in awe. I hated seeing Mark like this. He's usually strong, flirty and chatty but all that fills the room is silence.

"Why does he have wires all over him" I ask sadly.

"Well last night he began to wake up and as he did his heart rate quickened, so as of now he is stable but we had to put him into an induced coma until we find out want us causing his heart rate to quicken." The doctor informed me. I couldn't help but smile. Mark was going to be alright.

I sat by his bed and the doctor left. I look at every feature of Mark's face. He is so handsome and cute. As I stare at him I remember the note he wrote. I take it out and I just reads

- Dear Haechan,
I want you to know- and that's it. That's all that was written. What did he want me to know?

"Mark What was it. What do I need to know? Please wake up I want to know what you need. I'll give you everything." As the words leave my mouth it reminds me of Mark. He said he'll give him anything and know I know how he felt, I know the absolute devastation.

"M..Mark just wake up. I..i..I need you please."

I can hear everything. I can hear Haechan but I can't see him or touch him. I hear him slowly breaking, I want to be there for him. I need to be strong for him.

Haechan has come to see me everyday. These past 2 days have made me realise I will fight for Haechan because I know Haechan loves me. I know that we've been through a lot and now we deserve to be together.

I hold Mark's hand and in an instant his heart monitor goes haywire. His heart rate increases rapidly, many doctors and nurses come rushing in. I get pulled out and I'm left crying in the hallway. What's happening? Is he going to be okay? Is this the last time I'll ever see him?

——————————————4 hours later————————————

"Mr Lee could you follow me please" a young looking nurse says I follow her into a low lite room.

"So is Mark okay? Please tell me he's okay? I can't live without him. Just tell me" i blabber on.

"I'm okay" I hear a whisper from behind me. I turn rapidly and I see the one and only Mark Lee awake.

"Mark.." I run to him and hug him

"Little too tight Haechannie" Mark chuckles.

"How c..can y..you be joking around a.already?" I ask in-between tears.

"You're really worried about me Haechan?" Mark asked in a low quiet voice which made him sound somewhat innocent.

"Of course I was.."

"Haechan.. please don't ever leave me"

"Mark. I won't ever leave you."

There was a comfortable silence between us. We just looked into each others eyes. As I looked into his eyes I realised I haven't said...

"I love you Mark" I say lovingly.

His eyes widen and his mouth agapes.

"Haechan they're the only words I ever I want to hear from you"

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