Second meeting..kinda??

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After meeting the charming Haechan and his giant I went back to my office and devised a plan to bring him down or at least dominate his company or him I wouldn't mind which one. I smirk at my comment I can only imagine what Haechan would look like in be-

"Um Mr Lee would you like me to get you some lunch" Rosé my assistant asks, I think about it for awhile then decided to go get it myself. I need to clear my head of these sexual thoughts otherwise it'll get out of hand.

"No I'm fine Rosé I'll get it myself" I say with a smile. After I smile at Rosé her cheeks go crimson red. I know my trusty assistant Rosé has a crush on me but I just don't swing that way.

I was about to exit when I felt a small tug on my suit jacket. It was Rosé.
"S-sir do you want any company" she asked with an innocent smile. Oh god not this again, I show a little affection to a girl and they think I'm in love with them I guess I need to tell her straight (or gay).

"No, Rosé I've already told you I swing the other way or bat for the other team however you like to say it. Now please go do some work" I said with annoyance in my voice, her had head hung low and she stomped away. I better not drink the tea she makes me for a week.

I walk out of the building and to my car, I remember I went past a small café on my way back from'NOISE' I think I'll go there.

I get to the café and sit in a far corner of the café. I order a black coffee and a salmon and cream cheese bagel. The place was quiet and peaceful, it also had a cute aesthetic.

My order arrives and I sit in the peaceful corner enjoying my beautiful presented meal.


After my visit from Mark my blood was boiling and small flash backs I wish I could forget were coming back but thankfully I got out of that head space before it got worse. I needed to calm down and the only way I could was to visit my lovely auntie Ji Yoo she's an amazing conversationalist.

I walk down to the café to order my caramel macchiato and my pita bread and humus, I get to the till and Ji Yoo is there with her adorable little smile and grey curly hair awww she makes my day ten times better.

"Hi Ji-Yoo noona , how have you been?" I say smiling.

"Oh Haechan I've been amazing the amount of customers have gone up because of you, thank you so much for investing in our café" she said with an eye smile. Yes it was true I did give Ji-yoo some money to renovate her café, but she is so cute how could I not.

"It's no problem Ji-yoo noona I love this place so much I just wanted to help a bit"

"Well Haechan for doing this all for me I want to give something back"

"Oh no please Ji-yoo noona no need, honestly I'm fine I don't need anything" I try pleading with her not to give me anything.

"No let me Haechan, hmm let me think.... ah! How about this. You don't need to pay for your meals here get anything you want it's free. Please let me give this to you" she said with excitement in her voice.

"Okay, okay" I smile and wave goodbye to Ji-yoo as a sit down at a window seat looking at the people who walk by, gosh sometimes life is really amazing. I smile to myself. Hehe

I had almost finished my coffee and bagel when I heard the bell ring, once I looked at the door all I could see was a glowing angel like silhouette. Once the bright light from the sun dissipated I was shocked at who it was but at the same time intrigued. Lee dong-hyuck. He looked innocent and pure but I know the truth, the truth that he's a son of a bit-

"Hi Ji-Yoo hyung, how have you been?" I heard which made my thought fly out of my head. His voice was soft, just like his outer appearance. It put me into a trance I could listen to it all day- WAIT! What am I thinking he's my rival. Jesus Christ Mark get focused. I continue to listen to their conversation.

"thank you so much for investing in our café" then the old lady smiled. Am I hearing this right Haechan invested in to this place, I can't deny it's a lovely little café, but why?

"Well Haechan for doing this all for me I want to give something back"

"Oh no please Ji-yoo hyung no need, honestly I'm fine I don't need anything" ARRHG why is he so nice and cute??? God help me.

He then sits down near the window, the sun hits his face and makes him look ethereal. He looks so content with life, then the worst thing that could happen to me happened.

"Hehe" Haechan laughed. He laughed it was mesmerising.

After I ordered two more coffees so I could stay in the café and watch Haechan, he left and soon after I did but instead of being normal and going back to work I decided to follow Haechan. Some might say it's stalking but I call it silently watching from afar.

Whilst following younger I saw him help an old lady with her shopping, buy children sweets, give money to homeless people and silently sing to himself and I must add he is an excellent singer I could listen to him all day if I could.

After a while I turned around to go back to my car because I knew the 'NOISE' headquarters were coming up soon and also my parking ticket will expire.

Once I got back to my office I thought about Haechan and his cute face, cute hair, cute smile, cute personality, cute ass, cute- God Mark stop thinking about him like that. I tried to clear my head of him but now all I want to do is have him for myself and only me.

That was my plan Haechan will be mine and only mine weather he likes it or not.

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