Chapter 2

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A bit of a spoiler of what's gonna be in this chapter.

I wonder what Milly is up to. I hope she's ok she hasn't come back to the mansion in two hours. I hear a knock at the door. "Hm?" I thought out loud. I walk to the door and open it. It''s Milly and EJ he's carrying her. She seemed to be knocked out. I started to worry a bit. "EJ!! Is she ok!!!?" I ask in a worrying tone. "She's fine just got knocked out from blood loss." EJ replies. He said....b....blood loss!!!? What happened!!!? "How!? Where!? When!!? What happened!!?" I ask even more worried. EJ didn't answer. He just walked by me to her room.


I place the girl with Black going to purple hair onto her dark blue going to a neon purple bed. I was about to walk away from her when I felt a little tug on the back of my sweater. I turn to face what was pulling on my sweater. It''s a little two tailed wolf that looks a bit like the girl with black going to purple hair. The eyes are is a blood red with a neon purple cat like eye and the other is a white-blue with nothing behind it but it had something in its mouth....its....a mask....(like the one from the video I posted on the last chapter the girl with dark purple hair and the mask.) looks like a wolf mask....could it be hers.... "mmmmh..." she groans. She's waking up! "Mmh what...what happened?" She opens her eyes slowly. "I bit your neck causing you to faint from blood loss.." I reply scratching my neck in embarrassment. I noticed a bit of red blush appear on her cheeks. I grin in pleasure under my mask. "S-so...w-Why did you b-bite me?" She asks in an innocent and adorable tone. "You deserved it for touching my mask" I reply. "What's y-your name?" She asks. Wait she seriously doesn't know who I am!? I think in my head with full confusion "I'm Eyeless can call me EJ or Jack. What's yours?" I reply. "M-Milly...Psycho (Or Loco) Wolf Milly..." she replies. I can hear her heart rate increase. I lift my mask up to show my mouth with my four tongues hanging out of my mouth. I lean down to her. Our faces were so close. I can feel her warm breath on my tongues. I use my thumb to open her mouth more and I slide all four of my long dark grey tongues into her mouth. She lets out a little squeaky. This made me smile a little in pleasure and this making my tongues push further down into her throat. She let out a small moan. This made me force her to deep throat all four of my entire tongues causing her to gag a bit while let out a small moan. She kisses back knowing she won't win if she tries to break free. Y/N walks into the room without me noticing. "Ooh~ what's happening here?~" Y/N says teasingly. I stop and pull my tongues out of Milly's throat slowly knowing it could hurt her if I pulled away fast. I exist Milly's mouth. She starts gasping for air while blushing extremely. "Y-you saw nothing!!" I say while blushing from embarrassment. "And-" I get cut off by Milly "and if you tell anyone that this happened!! I will slap you!" Milly says finishing my sentence. "Ok ok" Y/N says while walking out of the room. "Anyway...what is that?" I ask while pointing at the wolf.  "That's my friend that helps me kill. She also protects me" she replies. "How can something that small protect?" I ask. "Hm? Oh she can change her size from a tiny little spider size to as big as a mansion" she replies. I sit there surprised. "You ok?" She asks. "Yeah....I guess..." I reply. "Well....I wanted to ask you something." Milly says. CLIFFHANGER!!!
MUAH HAHAHAHA I SO DAMN EVIL!!!! Ok so there will be another Chapter in a while. Ok bye my little foxes, wolves, and dragons! Love y'all!

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