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a lot of people think that once you come out as one thing, coming out as another is smooth sailing always. yes, this is true for some people, but not everyone. coming out, even to someone who is also lgbt/is supportive, can be terrifying, can make your heart race, stomach drop, make you sweat. even if you're coming out as nonbinary to a bunch of lgbt people, it can still be scary. it can be ultimately worth it. releasing something you've held in for hours, days, months, years can be a huge weight lifted off your chest (pun intended) that you might not have even noticed. that you've gotten used to. being asked when you're gonna get a girlfriend when you're gay/aro/ace/etc, being called he when you're a she or a they, can really take its toll. as long as you're comfortable and it's safe, even if it's scary, crack open that closet door a little bit. what's outside can be amazing for you.

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