Chapter Four: Mission 2nd Base

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Woojin didn't leave out Chan on the meeting because he was afraid of the boy ending up regretting leaving the government. It was mainly the fact he'd talk to Chan himself, and leave an open spot for the other boy to join them on the mission of taking over another government building. They succeeded on taking over many government buildings, but if they wanted to take over the second base of the government, they'd need to do it now. Jisung, Hyunjin and Changbin are here now, and with Hyunjin's ability to control anyone, Jisung being able to shift into any animal, and Changbin controlling and blending into shadows, it'd work out in their favor. 

Woojin explained everything from when they will strike to the very details of how they should move. When the meeting dispersed, he left to go find Chan biting his bottom lip a bit. When he found the younger boy sitting on the edge of a balcony rail on the second floor, Woojin breathed a relief that he had not gone back without them knowing,


Chan looked over his shoulder at Woojin, before humming as Woojin continued talking,

"We're going on a mission.. Changbin and the other two agreed to join us already and i was curious.. Would you help us? We're planning on taking over the governments second base before we work on getting their main base and shutting them down to rebuild the community. We.. we will definitely need your help, Chan."

Woojin bowed his head. He did admit that he was scared of the younger boy considering he could easily wipe out the entire population if he so wished. Woojin could swear it has been more than fifteen minutes waiting for an answer until it finally came. Something Woojin didn't want to hear.

"I'm not going."

Woojin lifted his head, and smiled a bit. He nodded, respecting the others wishes and turned leaving. His jaw clenched, worried now. Even with the other three, will they succeed? Will everything go smoothly without anyone getting hurt? Woojin sighed, ridding the thoughts before he walked into the room where everyone gets ready. He strapped the gun holster to his waist, adding a few knives before throwing on a mask and a hat. He met everyone in front of the house, Felix frowning,

"Is Chan-hyung not joining us?"

Woojin shook his head, Changbin looking back at the house. He shook his head, and joined the others climbing into the van. The van started and soon they were off.


"Remember. Quiet, stealthy and take the enemies out."

Woojin whispered, Changbin nodded. His powers activated and he slipped into the shadows easily as Hyunjin managed to shut their power off with the control of a technician guy. Jisung followed, having shifted into a squirrel so he could make an easy escape if needed. Woojin followed them in, climbing through a window, the others following them. Woojin took out a knife to make it silent, as he moved along the wall. His eyes narrowed as he moved, spotting a figure moving through the hall, a flashlight beaming past the shadows. Changbin made his the shadows covered the group, Woojin moving and silently killed the government official, dragging him into a corner before taking his ID badge in case they'd need it. 

After a while of walking, and taking out the enemies making sure it was every one of them, the power turned back on and Hyunjin joined them with a hum. Woojin watched Seungmin set up his phone to the government base's official one. Seungmin began to download the information it contained, humming to himself,

"It shouldn't take long~"

Woojin nodded, turning now to consult the other members, but all he saw was a group of men, about 10 or more aiming guns at them all. Woojin mentally cursed, raising his hands. He knew they'd need Chan for this mission, it having been too dangerous. Other members were already tied up and sitting along the wall to await their punishments, and soon Woojin felt pain exploding through his ribs. He gasped out loudly, feeling another kick to his back, before one of them kicked his side,

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