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I got a bandage wrapped around my wrist before heading to work. I get to the cafe and slip my uniform on. I see Josh at one table sitting with a whole lot of people.

"Hi, can I get you guys anything?"

Josh looks at me with surprised eyes, i watch as his eyes travel down to my bandaged wrist and i quickly put my arm behind me.

"Coffees for everyone,okay I'll be back in a minute. "

I head to the kitchen and give them the order. In a couple of minutes it's done. I put it on my tray and walk back to the table where the group of teenagers were sitting.

"Hey Ash", Josh calls me.

"It's Ashley.",I reply

"Oh right yeah I'm sorry, so you work here hmm as a waitress?" ,he asks.

"Yeah, pretty much thats it."

"Oh I'm sorry it must be very hard on you."

Just like that Josh picks up his coffee. Yup you must have guessed it by now. I was fully covered in coffee. I hear the group of teenagers laugh at me and I glare at Josh.

"What the fuck is your problem?" I scream!

"Uggh fuck you and all of your stupid friends. "

"Watch it love, that mouth of yours may get you into trouble one day", one of the boys say who I'm assuming is Blake.

"Screw you Blake!"

It was evening already and time for me to leave. I quickly grab all of my belongings and head out. The cold making me wish I had something warmer then my black hoody.

I finally reach my apartment which everyone often called a dump. I ran to my shower as quickly as I could. I sit on my bed and grab my laptop. Josh turned out worst then I thought. Why did i think that he could be different? How could I forget that in the world we live in there's devils disguised as angels and angels disguised as devils just so that they can protect themselves from getting hurt.
I look to the side of my drawer and notice the frame standing there. It was a picture of my family, mom, dad and my older brother Andrew. I pick it up and smile remembering the time when everything was perfect.

I'm reading the news on my laptop when I come across illegal races. It was something I wanted to do from 17, I'm a good driver and i can make alot of money from it. I know it's wrong but I need to survive. I only took on the waitress job so that I could save enough money for a car. I just need two more months salary and then I'm set. That's some hope to live right.

It does get lonely sometimes and I miss the life I had. I miss being the prettiest girl in the high school, I miss the big house we use to live in before the Greene industries were shut down, I miss racing with Andrew but I miss them more than anything. I miss my family! It sucks being the only survivor from the car crash that happened two years ago.

It was as if it happened yesterday, that's how clearly I remember it. The day kept on haunting me as I always dreamt the same dream over and over again. It felt like I relived the moment everyday of my life. I also realised that it was hell, hell meant reliving the worst moment of your life over and over again and there I was...experiencing what hell could feel like.

I lay in bed and try to fall asleep but to no avail. I get out of my bed and head to the balcony my apartment had. I look up and see the stars, it was quite relaxing. I think about the times Andrew and I used to sneak out to ride our dad's new motorbike, smiling at the memory.

I haven't realised that I have been thinking so much that its already 4:00 Am. I drink some milk and go do my exercises. I usually exercise for 2 hours and then i go for a jog for about half an hour. When i get back its already 7:00 am and I get done for school.

School passed by quite fast today. I mean yeah there was drama with Victoria as always but I'm actually kind of use to it now. She wrote the word BITCH on my locker today. I haven't really seen Josh around, oh well he probably realised I'm a freak since yesterday and the dude hates me so yeah, why do I even care about him? Maybe it's just my stupid hormones, I didn't mention this before but Josh Peterson is smoking hot! Especially with that grey sweat pants, white sneakers and white vest. He was built in the most perfect way and it kind of looked as if he works hard for that body. Don't think I'm into Josh Peterson because trust me I'm not.

I'm walking to the cafe I work at and that's when I spot it, i knew that's the one because my heart and soul felt a deep connection with it. A SKYLINE😍R34. It was perfect in every possible way and it was for sale. I immediately take the contact information down because I think I actually have enough money.

After work I meet up with the guy selling the car.

"It's all yours baby, take care of her.",he owner says

" Oh I will",i say with the biggest smile ever. I'm doing a victory dance in front of my car when I see Josh behind me.

"What the hell was that?" You are terrible at dancing Josh says and smirks.

"You are a terrible person",i say and smirk in a way better way.

"Just like you Mrs ice cold."

"  You are so much worst then I thought freak. "

"According to the school its you that's the freak and not me he says."

" Goodbye Josh!"

I start my new baby up and fuck I love this car. already. The sound of her engines like music to my ears and she's so fucking sexy. I know I probably sound like a guy but what can I say, cars have always been my first love.

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