The Invasion

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It was a bright and hot day. I was helping my father on our farm. We had to plant extra seed this year because we have heard that winter will be long. We worked from dawn till setting sun everyday just so we could eat. Sometimes I thought what life would be like off the farm or what it be like to be rich but sadly this was most people's life's and we couldn't do anything about it because the economy has been bad for years. Most of knew that Germany was rising in power as a country but didn't think they wanted war until one when me and my father we're working when my mom called for to come in and listen to the radio. So when we were inside we set down and mom turned up the radio. They were screaming telling everyone that Germany was starting there invasion on France and when I heard that a cold chill ran down my body like never before because I knew that us alone couldn't stop the power of the Germans. We didn't know what to do so we waited and listened to the radio then one day we heard that Germany had taken Paris. So we packed our bags and made a plans to head north and catch a boat to Sweden. As we were traveling north we ran into some german soldiers and they got angry at us and told us to get out of our car and show our ID,s but I didn't know what he was talking about so I dunked down in the back of the car so they couldn't see me. They were screaming at my parents but I had no clue what they were saying then I heard 2 gun shots and I just knew that they killed my parents. I couldn't move because I was in such terror I just set there with no emotion at all and then it hit me that because the Germans I don't have parents anymore and because the Germans I don't have home and finally because the Germans I don't no where to go your what but I do know is that I will get revenge one way or another.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03, 2019 ⏰

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