Duck Oliver and the High Sea

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It was a beautiful summer's day on the Island of Sodor. Duck and Oliver worked hard on the Little Western branchline. Every year, during the summer, the Little Western was busier than ever with the masses of vacationers traveling to the seaside.

Luckily, Duck had recently received his old slip coaches. The slip coaches helped the rail traffic on the little western greatly.

One day, Duck arrived at Tidmouth Station. Henry was there. He looked very worried indeed.

"Henry," Duck said "why do you look so nervous? What's wrong?"

"Oh, Duck" sighed Henry "I have to pull the Flying Kipper tonight, and I don't want to."

Duck was surprised "but, you love pulling the Flying Kipper, don't you?" He said.

"I do," Henry replied "it's just that, there's a big storm coming and it's going to be along the coast. That's where I run with the Flying Kipper. The sea might flood and I don't want to emerge myself into water like I did a few years ago."

Duck grew worried as well. "Oh, dear!" He exclaimed. "My branchline runs along the coast. It might flood as well. I'm must tell Oliver!" And Duck quickly puffed away.

Later that day, Duck found Oliver talking to Toad in the yards. Duck puffed over.

"There's going to be danger tonight!" Duck warned.

Oliver was startled by the news. "What danger?" He exclaimed, nervously.

"Storms will be coming to the coast tonight. The tracks may flood. It will be very dangerous."

Oliver agreed. "We shouldn't go out tonight, then." He said.

"But," Toad said "how would the late passengers get home, Mr. Oliver?"

The two engines thought for a moment.

"Perhaps we should notify the fat controller." Oliver suggested.

"Yes," Duck said "and quickly, too."

Duck puffed into Knapford Station. He found the fat controller standing on the platform.

"Hello, Duck." Sir Topham Hatt said, cheerfully. "You look nervous. What is the matter?"

"Sir!" Duck exclaimed. "I have urgent news! There's-"

Duck was interrupted by the ring of a telephone.

"Bother that telephone!" Sir Tooham Hatt exclaimed. "I'm sorry, Duck. Wait here a moment, please." And the fat controller left.

Suddenly, Duck heard a whistle from behind him. It was Gordon, and he was charging straight towards Duck!

"Out of my way!" Gordon cried. "Express coming through!"

Duck was worried. He didn't want to leave Sir Topham Hatt. He finally made a decision. "Alright, I better move then. I suppose I'll be able to talk to the fat controller later." And Duck moved out of the way, just in time.

That night, Duck and Oliver were in the sheds. Unexpectedly, Oliver's driver and fireman arrived.

"Hello, Oliver!" Said his driver. "We have an evening goods train to pull."

Oliver as surprised! "Duck!" He exclaimed. "I thought you talked to the fat controller about the storm!"

"Uh, I did. Well, actually, uh, there was an interruption and, I didn't get a chance to tell Sir Topham Hatt everything I had to say." Said Duck. He was quite embarrassed.

"C'mon, Oliver!" Interrupted the driver. "We have to get you ready." The fireman climbed into Oliver's cab and began to light his fire.

"Wait!" Cried Oliver. "There's a dangerous storm out tonight. I think it's best that the train should be cancelled."

"I'm sorry, Oliver." His driver replied. "It's Sir Topham Hatt's orders that we do this job. This railway will run like clockwork, no matter the weather."

Oliver was most dismayed.

"I'm sorry, Oliver." Duck said sadly. "I tried-"

"Well, try harder next time!" Oliver said, crossly. His whistle blew and he began to puff away. "It's not like you're the one who's going out there tonight."

Oliver puffed nervously down the line. The wind grew strong and the waves crashed fiercely near by him.

"I don't like this, Mr. Oliver!" Toad cried.

"I don't like it, either." Oliver called back.

They soon neared a lighthouse. Oliver could hardly see the light in the distance, for the rain poured down fiercely. Suddenly, Toad felt something.

"Excuse me, Mr. Oliver," he said "but, I think I feel a liquid surrounding my wheels."

Oliver gasped "It's seawater! Henry's right about the flooding, what shall we do?"

"Well, we can't stop." Toad replied "This water makes me feel uncomfortable."

"I'll go faster, then." Oliver decided. "I better get off this coast as quickly as o can."

So, that's what he did. However, down the line was a small bridge that went over a river connecting the ocean to other bodies of water within the island. It was an old bridge and was passed due for an inspection. The beams were rusty, and the salty water made it worse. Oliver and Toad couldn't know of this, and they were headed for danger.

Oliver puffed onto the bridge, and the beams finally gave way with a large "CRACK!"

"Cinders and ashes!" Toad cried! The track groaned, and Toad's wheels just came of the bridge when the track snapped and fell into the water. Toad was very relieved.

They made it to the goods station safe and sound. As the men unloaded the cargo, Oliver heard a whistle.

"Could it be..."

It was Duck, passing by with a late passenger train.

"Oh, no!" Oliver exclaimed. "Duck does have a train to pull! Wait! Duck! The line isn't safe!" But Duck was too far to hear.

"Warn the signalmen!" Toad cried to the workmen. A workman quickly telephoned the nearest signalman.

"Duck already passed by." He said. " You'll have to call the next signalman, but it's the last signalman before the collapsed bridge."

So, the workman did so, and they managed to call just before the signalman could see Duck in the near distance.

The signal pulled the lever to switch the points to send Duck in a different direction, but the lever became stuck. The points were jammed, going against the heavy flooding water.
So, the signalman quickly shined a red lantern just outside the window.

"Oh, no. That means danger!" Duck applied his brakes, but he just slipped within the water. "Help!" He cried. Luckily, he was pulling his slip coaches, and they each had their own individual break. They quickly applied them as well. The train inched closer and closer to disaster. Luckily, Duck stopped the train just in front of the large gap in the line over the raging river.

However, all was not well. Just on the opposite side of the line, Henry struggled through the water with the Flying Kipper. He neared the broken bridge, and with a great "SPLASH" Henry plunges into the water... again! The freight cars went everywhere, and smashed into Duck! Duck was pushed back and derailed. The passengers panicked and feared for their lives.

When all hope was lost and fate was thought to bring them all to the end, the waves suddenly calmed and the flooding stopped. The rained calmed to a sprinkle. Everyone was relieved and puzzled. The weather changed rather quickly. Duck saw something in the distance. He could make out an engine, just a tad smaller than Percy. That engine then disappeared.


In the morning, everyone was saved and the wreckage was cleared. Sir Topham Hatt promised to never make a scheduling mistake such as this ever again.

One can say that these events have made Duck and Oliver less fond of their coastal line, however, it made them stronger, and more courageous, and prepared if this were to ever happen again.

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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Apr 12, 2015 ⏰

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