Mavis at the Docks

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Mavis, the quarry diesel, works happily at the Ffarquar Quarry. She enjoys her work and likes it when Percy or Toby comes to help. One day, Toby let Mavis take the trucks down the line once more. Mavis enjoys this most of all. She could only go so far for, she remembered the time when she went too far down the line and got stuck.

After her journey, she returned to the quarry. She sighed. "I haven't been out of the quarry in years."

Her driver agreed. "It's alright, Mavis." He said "we'll get the chance to travel far someday." But, Mavis wasn't so sure.

The next morning, Mavis' driver woke her up with exciting news. "Mavis!" He cried. "The Fat Controller has heard about our situation and you're going to go to Brendem Docks!"

Mavis was surprised. "Really?" She said, excitedly.

"Yes, indeed!" Replied her driver "A big shipment of building supplies is arriving today for a new extension to Dryaw Airfield and Sir Thopham Hatt has asked you if you can help. Toby and Percy will look after the quarry while you're gone."

Mavis beamed from buffer to buffer. She couldn't wait.

Later that day, Mavis arrived at Brendem Docks. Salty was there to greet her. "Ahoy there, matey!" He called. "I am glad ye are here to help!"

"I am glad as well!" Said Mavis. "So, what do I do first?"

"First," said Salty "you have to learn what to do. I'll teach ye. Follow me, me hearty!"

Soon, Salty taught Mavis everything she needed to know.

"And remember," Salty said "the buffers by the key are under repair."

"Why? What happened?" Mavis thought there had been an accident.

"Oh, the ol' wood is wearing away from the salty air. Nothing new material can't fix! Now, off to work, matey!"

With that, Mavis set straight to work.

Throughout the course of the next few days, Mavis worked hard. The dock manager dubbed her to be a really useful engine. This made Mavis very proud. She was very cautious of the broken buffers but, her carefulness soon wore off as she became boastful of her new title as a really useful engine.

"Look at me, Salty!" She called one day as she shunted some trucks. "I was made to shunt perfectly!"

There was trouble. Mavis didn't watch where she was going and the points were set towards the broken buffers. The driver did not realize this and the single man did his best to switch them but, the points were jammed. Mavis didn't see where she was going until it was too late!

With a crack and a mighty splash, the freight cars plunged into the sea! Mavis braked hard, but the rails were slippery and she didn't stop until she was teetering dangerously on the edge of the dock.

Salty raced over to help her. Some nearby workman very carefully coupled a strong chain between Mavis and Salty. Mavis became very scared.

"Mavis," said Salty. "Don't shake. You may fall off if you shake like this. I'm going to pull you to safety now. Don't worry, you'll be alright. I've got you, matey."

Mavis felt a little better, but still felt nervous.

Salty heaved and strained. He pulled as carefully and slowly as he could. In a matter of minutes, Mavis was safely back onto the ground. The workmen cheered.

"Thank you, Salty!" said Mavis. "How could I ever repay you? You saved me!"

"Oh, I'll do anything for a friend in need, me hearty. Just be careful from now on, you hear?"

"Yes indeed" Mavis replied

The next day, Mavis was back at the quarry. The Fat Controller arrived to see her.

"Mavis," he said "well done. You were a really useful engine. I know you had a little accident while you were at Brendem, but I am still proud of you. You have worked hard."

"Thank you, Sir." Said Mavis and she couldn't help but just beam!

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