Stumbling slightly, she went to leave the jet, running into her first problem in the way of a door that she didn't know how to open. After poking around for a minute, she returned to her only source of help.


A muffled answer came from under the blankets, where Clint was contentedly falling back asleep. Eloyse kicked the blankets, gently, so as not to hurt her ribs more.

"Clint, get up. I need you to open the door."

"You what?" the blankets stirred as he made an air tunnel.

"Look, I'm sorry I threw sunbeams at you. I won't do it again. Now will you please come open this door?"

"Romanoff, can you open the jet door?"

Eloyse followed Natasha as the redhead dragged over and let herself, Wanda, and Eloyse into the crisp morning air. Wanda and Natasha ambled toward the creek. Eloyse made a beeline for Damian. She moved careful so as not to jar her painful ribs. By the time she'd watered and picketed him on new grass, the team was straggling out. They each had a bowl of granola, and looked asleep on their feet, testament to how late they'd stayed up the night before celebrating Steve's return. He hadn't been gone even two days, but they wanted an excuse to be happy.

Clint came out, blinking and squinting in the bright sunlight. He shuffled over to Eloyse and Damian. "Good morning." He yawned broadly.

Eloyse smiled, amused. "Good morning. Are you even awake?" She was giving Damian a brushing.

He straightened up, nearly dropping his bowl. "Of course!" He eyed her speculatively, "You know, for being so quiet, you sure are friendly once you get to know someone. I wouldn't be surprised if you burst out with a hidden talent!"

Eloyse grinned, not pausing the long strokes with the brush. Clint's eyes lit up.

"You do have a talent! Come on, out with it!"

"Careful, you'll chase me off." Eloyse somberly cautioned, but her eyes were laughing. "I might just walk out on you guys if you pressure me like this."

"Aw, come on! You'd never do that!" Clint playfully slapped her shoulder. Eloyse felt the jolt clear through her side. She paled, leaning on Damian to steady herself. The world was tipping, but she closed her eyes and took as deep a breath as she could manage without hurting more. Concerned, Clint shifted in front of her, not making contact.

"Hey, are you ok? I'm sorry I touched you."

Eloyse opened her eyes, "Yea, I'm fine. Just a bit early for that." She shook her head and pushed off the stallion to stand on her own two feet. The broken bones shot fiery pain through her with every breath.

Clint was unconvinced. "You don't look fine."

"Suit up! We got a mission!"

A shout from Steve distracted them both. The Captain came running over, eyes on Eloyse. "Do you know a place called Tir Na Tog? Can you take us?"

"Yea." Eloyse nodded. She looked at Clint. "Can you take my saddle and stuff to the jet? I talked to Tony and he made a place for Damian."

"Right." Clint scooped up her gear and hurried off. Steve stayed a moment longer, his eyes probing Eloyse. She didn't like it, and turned away. The flash of sunlight on her ring caught his attention.

"What's on your hand? Is that a ring? Are you married?"

Eloyse cast him a that's-ridiculous look. "Yes, it's a ring, and no, I'm not married. It's from my brother, reminds me of him. And no, I'm not taking it off for you to look at." She frowned at his hungry eyes, and he quickly wiped that expression away.

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