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I sat on a small toddlers chair as just as quick as it happened, peppa pig arose from the tiles of the floor. HI IM PEPPA PIG. she then snorted cocaine, then smiled at me while extending her 10 foot arm towards me handing me a bad of cocaine. I snatched it from her and stuffed it into my pocket. She let's out a loud wheeze and dissolves into thin air. I laughed and walked towards my door like I had no bones. As I swung my door open I was greeted with a tall 20 foot Wendy Williams standing at my doorway, she walked through my door, the whole half of her body going through my house and she stole my cocaine then snatched my wig and left. I cried. I then walked outside without moving any of my body parts and was standing in the middle of the street. I see from the opposite side of the street, Ethan. He tumble weeds over to me and stares me dead in the eye and I could feel his stank breathe on my face, making my nose cripple. "Where's the CRACK he yells, I shrivvle into oblivion and I'm at chillis. The vine guy walks out "hi welcome to chillis" I stare it him for what seemed like an eternity. He then starts to hand me something, I then fade away. I'm then in my bed. I fall asleep. Ethan then leans over me "goodnight you crackhead" he then wheezes and flies out the window

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