The Birth

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Frida and Benny stay the night since we had them for dinner and they wanted to stay with me to just in case the baby came. Björn and Benny slept on separate couches, leaving the bedroom to me and Frida. I figured that Frida would be uncomfortable sleeping with me since I was only days from my due date, and I was huge, so I offered her to sleep on a cot, but she denied.
"I want to be right next to you if you have the baby." She said.
"Okay," I laugh. Things have been smoother for the past two months, but I have been getting contractions .
3:00 am
I wake up to a horrible pain in my stomach. My water had broke. I was trying to be quiet, figuring I could wait until morning. "Frida!" I shake her and try to wake her up. I needed someone, I couldn't even get up. " Frida!! " She still didn't wake up. I couldn't just lay there. I felt guilty for my next move, but it was worth it. "BJÖRN!!!!" I screamed. I was sweating and the pain was unreal. Frida instantly woke up and I heard Benny and Björn's feet running across the hardwood floor.
"Anna? What's the matter?" Frida said.
"I'm having the baby!" Frida took my hand .
"Why didn't you wake me up?"
" Well, I tried! "
Björn comes running in. He's flips on the light, Benny coming in after him. Frida gets up, and helps me sit up. She puts a few pillows behind my back and goes the the kitchen. She waves Benny to come too, and he does. "Bjorn," I say. I take grab his neck gently with my right hand, pull him close, and kiss him. "This is our baby." I say.
" Yes " he replies and laughs.
"Oh my gosh."
" what darling? "
"I'm gonna be a mother!"
" Yes babygirl, yes you are. "
"and you're gonna be a father."
Frida and Benny come in carrying things. Frida has a pot of coffee for her Benny and Björn , and they have a bowl of ice for me. They also have a tub of hot water. I have no idea what she was doing, but I knew she researched this more than Björn and I did. She pops out a towel and puts it under me. Besides the fact I was giving birth at the time, everything was going well. Björn showed Frida where we kept the stuff for the baby, and Benny held my hand. He was telling me to breathe, and he was doing a pretty good job. I listened as Frida pulled out a baby blanket and a little hat.

I had given birth to a baby girl, beautiful as ever. We named her Linda. Björn was going to be a great father, and I trusted myself to be a good mother.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02, 2019 ⏰

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