Chapter one

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I cry as I lay on m bed. I just found out that in pregnant with angor rot. 'Why did he do this to me?!” I shout in my head. The door suddenly opens and angor rot walks in. I freeze and look at him in fear. “N-no! Get a-away from m-me!” I squeak out as he lays down next to me from behind, forcing me to lay with him. I start to cry as I grip his right wrist. “Please I d-don't w-want you t-to h-hurt me! “ I say in fear. He put his mouth next to my ear and says lowly, “stay still and relax. I won't hurt you.” After he says this, I try to relax, but I was so scared. He licks my cheek and pulls a blanket over us with his spare arm. I soon start to relax. “I-i have t-to t-tell you s-some-thing” I say quietly. “Hmm?” He hums close my ear. His chin rests on my shoulder. “W-well…you see…….i-im pr-pregnant...w-with you” I say and tense up as I he lifts my shirt up to my breasts and glides his clawed hand down my belly and starts to stroke it lightly. My breathing became shaky. “Mmmm, you like this don't you~” he purrs in my ear and puts his entire hand on my belly. “Your mine! Don't forget that!” He says and goes back to stroking my belly. Strickler walks in and angor rot looks at him. “I hope you know that she's only fourteen” Strickler says. “That makes you a pedophile” he adds. Angor rot growls at him. “Get out!” Angor rot growls lowly and strickler just leaves without a word, closing the door behind him. “Baby?” Angor rot asks. “Y-yes?” I answer in a fearful stutter. “I want you to hold onto this” he says, taking his right eye out and putting it in my hands. I smile slightly. “Awww~ good eyeball!” I say petting it. “Hm hm hmm~ cute!” He says and kisses my cheek and leaves. I hold the eyeball and keep petting it, unaware that he could see me doing this through it. The eye glows a bright gold color and i blush. “Why did he choose me goldy?” I ask the eyeball. I lay down on my back and set the eyeball between my breasts. “I guess he is kinda hot, but he still forced me. Why can't he be more gentle and nice to me?” I ask it with a frown. I jump slightly as a knock was on the door. I pick the eye back up and open the door. It was nomura. “I hope you know he can see and hear you with that thing” she says pointing at the eye. “Then why won't you answer my questions if I'm suppose to be your mate?” I ask the eyeball. Nomura looks down the hall, to her left. I look to, only to see morgana. “Hey morgana” i say she comes up to us. “Hey little pup. My champion is treating you well i assume?” He asks. I look down. “If well means him forcing me to do everything with him than yes” I say. They both look at me with frowns. We all look in the direction we heer pieces fall to the floor. I then shake in fear as i see my mate leaning against the wall across from us. “You shouldn't mess with my mate when she's pregnant. Cuz she is fine with me. Especially when i'm with her~” he says looking into my E/c eyes. Morgana and nomura leave me alone. He watches them leave with a smirk and then looks at me. He stops carving and walks up to me and puts his arm around my waist. I put my left hand on his chest and hold his eye tightly in fright. He puts his right hand, the one that isn't around my waist, and hold my hand with his eye in it. He looks back into my E/c eyes and smirks. He pushes me into the room forcefully and…

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02, 2019 ⏰

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