Chapter 1

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Chloe's P.O.V:

'Ugh she's so perfect. It's never gonna happen though' I think to myself as I get into bed next to Beca. First, I'll start with some back story. So basically, Beca has been my best friends for 5 years now. About 6 months ago I realized I had feelings for her. Its getting to the point where everytime I even think about I get butterflies and my heat starts racing. I like her. Like a lot. maybe even love. 

       I've only loved one other person (romantically of course) His name was Tom. I dated him 10th grade and then most of 11th. He broke up with me right before jprom (junior prom) I ended up gonna with Beca (as friends of course) and we got drunk (not super drunk, just a little bit to make the night more fun, besides like everyone else was too) and just danced with our friends. It was probably one of the best nights of my life so far. Anyways, I've never been IN love before so I honestly don't know what it feels like. But what I do know is I never feel anything like this of Tom. 

      Beca and I got into the bed and cuddled up next to each other with blankets and tons of snacks and soda. We always cuddle.  in 9th grade we realized cuddling is probably one of the best feelings in the world, so since neither of us had anyone to cuddle , we decided to cuddle with each other. That sounds really weird now that I think of it but its just like a friend cuddle, nothing more. So ya, its movie night with our other friends, Fat Amy, Aubrey, Stacie and my little sister Emily. Emily is a year younger than me and she's a freshman here at Barden. Technically she's my half sister because we have different moms. My mom left my dad when I was like 3 months old, I don't really have any connection to my mom now. My dad got Kathrine pregnant like a week after my mom left him. Good thing him and my step mom hit it off because 9 months later they had Emily. They ended up getting married and then had my sister Jess, she's 15, and my brother Nolan, He's 12. They all live here in Atlanta, which is nice because  I love them all! Emily and Jess are my best friends. Beca gets along with them really well too which is great. Nolan's pretty great too.  My grandmother, Kathrine, Myself and Emily all went/go to school at Barden so its kinda like a family tradition to go here. But I don't think Jess will go here. No offense, but I think Jess is to smart for Barden. Not that its a bad school, but school is just easy for Jess, she's really good at it. Plus she's gone be a 12 season athlete by the time she graduates. She plays volleyball, cheer and lacrosse. and she babysits in her free time all while keeping up with her grades. So I think she'll probably get a scholarship or some shit. Nolan's smart too I guess but he's like crazy good at like every sport you could think of. His favorites are baseball and basketball though. I personally thi-

"Chloe!" Beca says cutting off my train of thought. "Chlo seriously you've been staring at my boobs for like 6 minutes." She says with a chuckle. I gasp

"Oh my god I didn't mean to I was just lost in my thoughts and-" I say with a awkward laugh.

"Yea sure, red" She says sarcastically "just admit it I have great boobs." I laugh and give her a friendly gentle slap on the shoulder. 

"Shhh the movies starting" I say as I cuddle into Beca.

Becas P.O.V

'Oh my god why is she staring at my boobs. Maybe she's gay. Beca no. but seriously why is she staring? is their coming on my chest? I mean, whatever, I kinda like it' I think to myself as she stares at my boobs. Chloe is my best friend. I met her on the first day of freshman year. Right off the bat I knew there was something about her. She wasn't only beautiful but she was kind, smart, funny. I didn't have any friends at my school. my only 2 friends went to the other high school on the other side of town. So when I saw Chloe sitting by herself when I walked into my first block science class(3 minutes late), I sat down next to her. "is this seat taken?" I asked. "No. Please, sit. I'm Chloe. Nice to meet you!" she said with a smile. "I'm Beca!" I said right as the teacher called out my name. "Rebecca Mitchell. Your'e late." She called out to me from the front of the room. I turned to Chloe and said "I swear if you ever call me Rebecca I will punch you" She laughed. "Ya sorry, its a big school, I got lost" I said to the teacher "and please call be Beca if thats okay?" "Okay just don't let it happen again, Beca" She told me. Spoiler alert, It happened again. almost everyday until she called my dad. Anyways, Me and Chloe have been best friends ever since that day. 

      Turns out we had all the same classes, and the same lunch, so we spent a lot of time together. Me and Chloe were kinda in the same boat because she had no friends either. She just moved her from North Carolina, so we were each others only friend for a while. We spent most our time after school together, and I basically lived at her house on the weekends. I told Chloe things I never told anyone else, she told me stuff too. I know all her secrets and she knows all of mine, well all except one- that I have feelings for her. I don't have a good relationship with my dad. When I was 8 he cheated on my mom. Then like a week later she was in a car accident and died. After like 2 months my dad got engaged to Sheila the women he cheated only mom with. I hate that bitch. Ever since then I lost all respect for my dad. Chloe is the only person who I've ever told that story to. I have an older step brother named Michael. I don't really like him either. He's just like Sheila. Ok its literally been 6 minutes and she's still staring. 

"Chloe." I say quietly "Chlo... hellooo earth to Chloe." Still no response. "Chloe!" She looks at me "Chlo seriously you've been staring at my boobs for like 6 minutes." I say with a chuckle. I hope she can't see me blushing. she gasps.

"Oh my god I didn't mean to I was just lost in my thoughts and-" She says with an awkward laugh. She's so cute.

"Yea sure, red"I

 joked "just admit it I have great boobs." we laugh and she gives her a friendly gentle slap on the shoulder.

"Shhh the movies starting" She tells me. Knowing about Chloe's anxiety I make a mental note to ask her if she's okay after this movies done. I hate movies, don't ask me why, I just do, their too predictable. just cuddled into Chloe and shut my eyes. 


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