I'm Getting Drunk on the Plane

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i am not from England, rather Southern California so if i mess up on something, you may POLITELY correct me. If you want to be a rude bitch go ahead and eat my ass ill just report your comment and you can go back to being raised by wolves. Honeslty people never send hate via the internet unless you want my foot so far up your ass that you cant breathe. 


        "Another glass miss?" The flight attendent asks bent over me. Im feeling good. "yes, PLEASE!" I near shout. I am way to drunk and honestly I shouldve cut myself off a glass or two ago. Im starting to feel a little sick as the man wearily pours me another glass of whatever the hell im drinking. "Im going home today." I sloppily inform the flight attendent whos name tag reads, Mark. He just nods politely at my drunken stuppor. I nod back and hicup, "You know maybe, Mark," i say finishing off the drink he poured for me moments ago, "you could just pour a half a glass for me real quick?" He shakes his head at me "Im sorry miss, im going to have to cut you off, this was your third glass of bourbon and youve already had two vodka tonics." I pause, the familiar feeling of my brain swimming in my skull as he walks away. I immediately grab an air sickness bag from the pouch in the seat in front of me. Okay so im a little too drunk. I walk to the bathroom and empty my stomach two times over. I near crawl back to my seat and order a water and some bread. Its not all the liquor, i can definitley hold my liquor, its mostly nerves. I havent been home since i left two years ago to go to study art history and photgraphy abroad. i needed a change of setting. I couldnt stay home with all the trouble i caused, i was looking for a fresh start, but all good things come to an end right? 

        Honestly those four semesters are all a haze, a big, smokey haze. Damn if i thought i was experimental in my teens... Honestly! I thought coming down from adderall was bad! ha! LSA made me want to DIE when it was over. Ive always been the bad kid at home, which is hillarious seeing as my only brother got his girlfriend pregnant at seventeen and threw more house parties than i can count. But alas, he maintained a 4.7 GPA and i nearly flunked out. Its about what really counts kids, mind power over personality and integrity. Our parents are peices of shit. Mum's an addict, coke, it keeps her skinny, and dads a Bible thumper. Im not bashing on Christians, because my dad isnt one. He's a raging lunatic. Over half of what he preaches isnt in the actual Bible. Just the reason why im so overjoyed to go home.

        "This is your captain speaking: Please fasten your seatbelts and prepare for landing. We will be arriving in London momentarily." I let out a sigh thanking God i had one day in London before i had to drive west to Newport. Besides the dread of going home, there is no way in hell i should be driving right now. As I exit into the airport i notice commotion by the baggage claim carousel ahead of me. People begin to shove past me as i try to get a glimpse at just what everyone is freaking out about. A few flashes go off to my right. Reporters! Its someone famous! God i hope its Lady Gaga ive heard even her casual heels are bigger than my face!  Walking towards baggage claim was getting a little difficult even in the simple running shoes I was wearing. People where pushing and shoving making the pathway i was following blur. Stumbling over the shiny floors of the airport i gave the area a once over, trying to find who the paps were so eager to snap a few quick shots of, that when my eyes met blue and everything stopped.



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⏰ Last updated: Sep 17, 2014 ⏰

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