Start from the beginning

Her voice was beautiful no doubt about that, much like an angel when she cried that could be heard throughout the ocean. But, that doesn't mean it didn't irritate people when it was every single night on a continuous loop.

Steve had been the one to stay by her side whilst she calmed down. Not that he minded, given he was up most nights as his mind to had been plagued with what had happened.

His best friend was gone, and he couldn't save him.


It was all a big nightmare, to put it simply.

Which is why Melody felt horrible for keeping the man next to her up with her constant cries during the night. Every time she looked at him she could see the visible bags under his eyes as he drank his morning coffee. When he'd return late from visiting Peggy's memorial followed by stopping by Sam's old rehabilitation centre where he taught alongside the Museum where it held photographs of those he loved.

A place where he'd often go with Melody. But with the way she was looking he knew she didn't want to leave Headquarters.

She looked thinner, paler. Her thick locks lacked it's usual shine and volume. She wore the same red henley and sweatpants every time he'd see her.

He knew she was breaking day by day, he'd be lying if he said he wasn't either.

Some people move on, but other's don't. At least . . . they don't.

Melody looked down at the lilac seashell between her nimble fingers, twirling it every so often under the moonlight that shone against the shell of it. She wiped at her tear stained cheeks looking out the large window across from her.

After a few moments, she nodded to herself and placed the shell onto the bedside table and walked to the bedroom door taking one last look in the room before descending down the hallway silently.

She came to a halt seeing Steve laying on the couch passed out with an empty crystal cup in his hand surely about to collide to the carpet at any moment.

She quietly walked over and removed the cup from his hands placing it onto the coffee table, before bringing up the large throw blanket that laid on the chair next to her and placed it over his frame.

She swallowed thickly before pressing her lips to his forehead, "Kirimvose, raqiros." She murmured before she disappeared out of the living coordinates.

Steve jolted awake hours later, the bright and warm sun shining through the windows and onto his skin. He shook his head rubbing at the bridge of his nose, he groaned looking to the bottle of emptied bottle of Bourbon and the cup next to it.

Hearing footsteps he was greeted with a smiling Natasha Romanoff.

"Sleep well?" He questioned as she stretched like a cat.

"Like a baby." She beamed, "Haven't slept much since-" She cut herself off as she looked down sombrely. Clearing her throat she looked back to Steve who too had zoned out, "Speaking of baby, where's Melody and Bruce?"

Steve shook his head standing to his feet, "Bruce is probably in the lab like he always is, and Melody - in her room."

Natasha nodded before making herself a bowl of cereal then deciding on bringing Melody one too. Knowing she wouldn't eat if she wasn't told too or given it.

"Hey, Mel, I brought you breakfast." Natasha said outside the heavy door, she tilted her head. "It's cereal nothing special. But, we have to make do with what we got, so . . ."

A moment went by and silence.

"Melody, seriously wake up. You can't keep doing this, you have to eat something." She pressed gaining Steve's attention from down the hall and Bruce's who had come up for morning coffee. "I'll even go into the ocean myself and fish out some seaweed if I have too." She joked opening her door, "Melody?" She called out seeing the room neatly kept, which wasn't a normal thing for the nymph.

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