Start from the beginning

The band holding the eye patch from behind stood out against his now slightly graying hair.

Oliver almost had the urge to call out, to go over there and punch him in the face, maybe finish the job, but he knew better than that.

"Where are we?" Thea questioned aloud, glancing around the group, though didn't look behind her.

Oliver silently moved to the boy in red, who had taken a few steps back.

Folding his arms, Oliver watched as fearful and fearsome looks alike darted across the group from all sides.

"Fantastic question." One man in a blue parka deadpanned with a snarl.

"Snart, what the hell are you doing here?" A older, dark-skinned man glared, hand looking for a gun that wasn't there.

"Detective," Snart smirked coldly.

Ignoring them, Oliver turned his attention back to his family. Slade was clearly avoiding them, but tensed as he looked past them.

Oliver stepped forward to look past to where he was staring, and the breath was knocked out of him for the third time today.

The blonde-haired woman stood there, a look that would kill everyone in this room across her oh-so-familiar face.

A snarl escaped her lips as she crossed through the crowd towards Slade, getting far too close.

"You killed him!" She spat loudly, looking ready to punch the man, but was heald back by a strong hand resting on her shoulder.

Whipping around, Sara Lance came face to face with her father.

Oliver could have sworn he heard Slade mutter 'nice to see you too' under his breath.

Quentin had a deep look of pain and shock on his face as Laurel joined him. "Sara?" His voice was barely a whisper.

"Daddy," Sara's voice cracked, mask giving way to show her own emotions to the rest of the group.

Oliver solemnly looked on, refusing to speak to anyone. Sara was pulled into a hug, and neither of the Lances looked like they wanted to let go.

The man at his side muttered in his ear. "Aren't the two of you dead?"

A soft chuckle escaped Oliver, an alien sound to him now. "Death's become a good friend of mine recently," he hums in response.

The kid cocked an eyebrow, but offered his hand. "Roy Harper."

"A pleasure," Oliver muttered.

"What about Ollie?" Thea's small voice reached the ears of the rest of the group.

Shoulders tensed, Sara turned slowly towards his sister. "Ask him." She snarled, jabbing a finger at Slade's chest.

"I'll give you that one, Sara," the unspoken respect emitting off of Slade was shocking.

"Where the Hell is my son?" Moira spits, taking a threatening step forward, a glare fixated on her face.

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⏰ Last updated: May 18, 2019 ⏰

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