The Na'odani emerge

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he aircraft dropped out of the rainy haze to land smoothly in the center of a compound shaped like an eight-pointed star. The rain-slick walls gleamed black in the waning light. The brackish Kaa rain blew up in gusts from the silent engines.

Between the pain and the medication Seth had given her, Char was fighting to keep her head clear. The moment they landed, the ramp dropped open and the two Na'odani picked her up from her place, slumped against the wall of the aircraft. Another took Venn. They carried Char and Venn toward a door. The other Na'odani herded the rest of the Americans in the opposite direction.

"Hey!" Char bucked against the Na'odani holding her. "Where are you taking me? I need to stay with them."

The Na'odani with the blue sash came alongside her. "Venn tells me you are injured. We will take you for medical care."

"I want to stay with my soldiers!" Char barked.

"They will be safe. I give you my word." The Na'odani bent down and met Char's eyes with its silver ones. "I am Taig, the leader of these bridgers. You are the leader of these Americans, yes?"

"Yes," Char said.

"If you come in peace, no harm will come to any of you," Taig said, straightening. "We are a peaceful people."

"So I've been told," Char said wryly.

She went with them. The Na'odani brought her into a black-walled room with brilliant white lights built into the wall. They deposited her gently on what looked like a solid black metal table, but when she lay against it, it was warm and molded to her body.

A new Na'odani dressed in white robes sidled over and threw a thick, fluffy blanket over her. It was made of a silvery, shimmering material and reminded Char of building insulation.

Leader Taig circled to opposite of the white-robed Na'odani. "Healer Kaz cannot speak your language. Tell me what your injury is, and I will tell him."

"My ankles are broken," Char said. "The solid forms around them are casts to keep the bones in place."

Leader Taig relayed all of this in the melodic Na'odani tongue.

Healer Kaz squinted at them and replied.

"He will take them off," Taig said. "We do not use these things."

Venn lay on the plank-bed next to her. He turned his head toward her and met her gaze. His face was tight with concern.

"Venn," Taig said. "You will translate for Healer Kaz. Explain to Leader Char what the healer does so she is not afraid." Taig turned to Char. "I will go speak to your soldiers. Who is leader in your absence?"

"The one called Leander... or Seth," Char added.

Taig nodded and swished from the room.

The healer produced a small, shiny instrument. Char steeled herself, but the instrument slid through the solid cast like butter, bisecting it. He made a quiet clucking noise when he saw her ankles and looked up at her with a gentle smile. It needed no translation.

He rubbed some odourless salve over them that instantly made her ankles go numb. She gasped.

"It is just for pain." Venn's eyelids drooped. "Perhaps Healer Kaz will condescend to give me some yet."

The healer strapped Char's legs into two clear cases that enclosed her legs from foot to knee. Suddenly, a warming sensation went through her legs.

Char jerked her head up to look at them. "What's he doing now?"

"It stimulates bone growth," Venn said softly. "In Na'odani. Perhaps it will work for you, too."

Bridger: a Dystopian SerialOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora