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"Did we come in at the wrong time?" Della asked as we walked to the front counter of Slurps and Burps. There was what looked like an explosion in the lab, and there was pink slime everywhere, and Dex was covered in it.

"No! No! It's always great to see you!" Kelsler -Dex's dad- said "DEX MI BOI!!" Ryan called out. Dex looked confused but Alden explained "This is Ryan, Kelly, Robin, and Callan. They came from The Forbidden Cities yesterday and it seems they are fans of you" Dex's face turned red.

"Nope, just Ryan" I remarked. Dex got a little less excited "Your my favorite character in the books, Dex." Ryan said. "Wait. I HAVE A BOOK???" Dex yelled "FIRST I HAVE A WORLD NAMED AFTER MY LAST NAME, NOW I HAVE A BOOK!?" Dex was definitely having the time of his life.

"Actually, no. Sorry to burst your bubble, or whatever, but it's actually Sophie's book." I said, as I shoved Ryan because he was being a huge fanboy right then."Eh, as long as I was in the book" he reassured himself.

"Well nice to meet you guys, but Dex has some cleaning up to do" Kelsler said. "Oh, Dex. Can you make our phones not run on the cellular data?" I asked. "Yeah, I'd be happy to!" He replied as we handed him our devices.

Robin looked like a kid in a candy store as he said that, she looked like she was about to hug him "THE MEME QUEEN HAS RISEN AGAIN" she exclaimed. We all laughed, but Dex asked, "what's a meme?"

Robin looked like she had been stabbed in the heart. "Dex, my boi, you haven't seen the light" she said as she grabbed Dex's shoulder. "I will show you once you fix my phone, it's dead." Dex looked a bit excited. He started to walk out of the room."I'm gonna go start work on these phones."

"Well I think we should be heading back to Everglen." Della said. "Wait." Ryan said. "Is that phone... speaking to me?" Ryan asked. Dex stopped in his tracks. "Are you what I think you are?" He said. "Are you a technopath?" "I don't know. I think so." Ryan said. Then all of the sudden, he started... dancing(?) around the room. "I'm SO happy!" He exclaimed. "Manifesting at 10?" Fitz said. "That's rare" "Can I have my phone back?"Ryan asked. "Sure" Dex said.

"I don't have an ability yet" Callan said to himself. "I'm sure you guys will manifest soon." Ryan said, reassuring him. "Okay, that's enough crazy manifesting for a day" Alden declared, "let's get the places where you'll be living situated." And with that, we leapt back to Everglen. 

Sry for the short chapter, we'll get more soon.

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