1- Escape...

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I waited in the other room of the church, practically shaking with anticipation. What if I don't make it? What if Karley gets caught? We'd both get in big trouble. Death is the highest penalty of disobeying the nobles. Running away from a wedding when one of them is the groom? Bad idea.

I could hear the buzz of conversation as everyone waitied for the bride. It was a dull sound, almost unnoticeable. Like that ringing in your ears that you only hear if you listen for it. I gazed out the window next to me. Everything was covered in snow. It was peaceful out there, a sense of calm balance that could only really be appreciated by those who loved the snow. 

It seemed fitting, that I'd be wed on a day like this. Where the weather outside compared easily to my spirit. You see, snow isn't just white fluff covering the ground. It kills, too. Not only in blizzards or avalanches, but sometimes just with its cold calmness. It's also blinding, shining with the help of the light of another. It's not to be taken lightly or kicked around, as it always is.

Nathaniel opened the door slowly, startling me out of my quiet reverie with the slow creak it made. I turned to him, suddenly feeling my nervousness wash back over me. "Are you ready, my Lady?" he asked.

"Nate," I sighed, "you don't have to call me that. We're friends, and I'm not married to Lord Sonic, just yet."

Nate was a dark hedgehog, all black with upturned quills and red eyes. He also had a bit of white fluffy chest hair. When I was little, I loved falling asleep on his chest when he'd come to visit with his son. His.. late son.

Great, now I've got that depressing story on my mind. Way to go, Amy, make this harder for yourself, why don't ya?

I shook it off, trying to make myself appear less, paranoid? Would that be the right word?

Focus, I berated myself. A lot depends on the success of this escape, you can't let your thoughts go wild.

"Wedding jitters?" Nathaniel asked.

I looked over to him, noticing that our arms were locked. Right, he was walking me down the isle. Mother wanted that. I appreciated it too, because if I gave away anything, he'd be the last person to say something to anyone. In fact, I think he'd help me out. "I suppose so," I answered, deciding it was better not to tell him anything.

The doors opened and the music began to play. I saw Sonic standing at the end of the isle with his father standing next to him. The blue hedgehog was wearing a light, almost silvery blue suit. His father wore a simple black one. If not for the differences in the way they dress, I'd almost be unable to tell them apart. Except that Sonic has green eyes instead of his father's amber brown ones.

I vaguely heard music playing. My terror seized me, and the only thing I could manage to do was put one foot in front of the other. How am I supposed to run in these heels? I suddenly thought.

Suddenly I was in front of Sonic. He took my hand in his gently and lifted it up to kiss it softly. "My beautiful bride," he greeted.

I smiled in response, not trusting myself to speak. He frowned, and after a pause had brightened up. "Nervous?" He asked. Unable to think of a better answer, I just nodded.

"It'll be alright," he continued. "I know you have this thing against my family, Ames, but I think you'll come to realize we aren't as cold as you perceive us."

It took so much effort not to punch him. Where's that distraction, Karley? I wondered to myself, as if she would hear me.

Father Ian was almost to the "I do's." I could hear my heart beating loudly in my chest as I waited for the distraction. What if there was none? Had something happened? I glanced back at my sister, who had the same worried look I did.

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