Imagine: Loki

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Saving you after being Chased

Imagine: You were running your usual path in the woods one morning. It was brisk, so you threw you hair in a ponytail and threw a black running jacket on with yoga pants. You were warm and kept a good pace. As you ran, you heard footsteps. You turn around and see a man with a torn white tank-top, covered in blood, and torn jeans. He is grinning at you as he starts to jog. You, being freaked, out ran faster and went up the hill running off your usual path. Your breath coming in short gasps, you made it to the flat part of the hill. The man wasnt behind you. You sighed a sigh of relief and turned around. The maniac of a man was right in front of you! You jumped and punched him in the nose briskly. His head jerked back and he started laughing insanely. He swiped at you and you threw your arm up to protect your face. You didn't realize he had a knife, and your arm was bleeding badly. You kicked him squarely in the chest and ran up the hill some more. You heard him advancing and started panicking, but kept running with you arm against your chest, bleeding heavily. When you got to the top, you realized it was a sheer drop off! You skid to a halt and whipped around. The lunatic was walking slowly at you with a huge grin and his head tilted to the side. You put your arms up in a defensive manner and backed up a bit, almost slipping off the cliff. The man suddenly ran at you and pushed you with one finger dramatically. You screamed as you fell and about three feet down from the cliff edge, you hung on to a root with only your wounded arm. You cried for help as the psyco got on his knees and raised the knife above your hand. Just as he lowered it, you shut you eyes. But the impact never came. You opened your eyes and saw the man with a dagger sticking out his chest. He fell forward and you had to hug the cliff wall in attempts to not be crushed and fall. "Hello?" you called up, "Please! Help!" you called again. A slender, pale hand grabbed your softly and gently tugged you up. You pushed yourself up the rest of the way and looked over the cliff at the long drop. "Thank you so much si-" your breath stops. The man was beautiful. He had pitch black hair, slicked back and pale features. But what caught your attention was not the strange amour, but the piercing green eyes that were starring at you. "Why would any man want to harm such an amazing maiden," he said almost to himself. "Thank you again," you said once more. You gave the stranger a hug and would not let go until he stood and pulled you up with him. You winced as he pulled you up and looked at your wound. "Oh dear, maiden, I apologize for that!" he says. He put his cool hand on your arm and it glowed a bright light, before pain and cut alike were both gone. "I am Loki, of Asgard, and fair maiden, may I ask you name?" You were stunned but you still said, "Im Y/N and your gorgeous," you covered your mouth with one hand and stared wide eyed at what just slipped out of your mouth. Loki laughed and suddenly gave you a brush on the lips. His lips cool and gentle, making you feel porcelain. "Wow," you breathe. Loki smiled at you and took you hand. "Until again fair maiden," he said bowing. As he bowed, he disappeared into a white mist, leaving you lightheaded and confused. You smiled to your self and walked home, knowing you will see him again.

Imagines (Tom Hiddleston/Loki)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora