Imagine: Loki

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You were a cop in New York, simple as that. But a weird case somehow appeared and you and your kid sidekick, Ron, who was the brains, were assigned to it. You two were the best, the dynamic duo. This case however was about people who seemed to have been "abducted by aliens" or so they think. All of the victims were missing for two years and dont remember anything from it. They all had unnatural blue eyes and you assumed it was human experiments. Finally, about 20 minutes ago, you and Ron got a lead. You drove your silver Ferrari as fast as you could go, and came upon the house. "Ron, follow me and cover me if necessary, whatever happens you know the drill," you smirked. "Y/N, I know the drill," he said with a laugh. You chuckled too, "Well then, smartass, what is it?" he looked at you seriously, "To run." You returned the look and nodded, cocking your gun you motioned with you hand what positions you two will preform. He nodded and followed you. You crouched and knocked, "NYPD, open up!" No response. You kicked in the door and searched the house. "Clear" Ron called. "Copy," you said. You saw a metal door with blue light seeping down the hallway and called Ron. He stayed in the hallway while you opened the door and saw a partly bald man with stubble and a beer belly poking a blue glowing cube with a scalpel. You aimed your gun at him."Put the tool down, Dr. Selvig." You said clearly. He dropped it. "Raise your hands," you said getting a bad feeling. "Never," he whispered. Your eyes widened and your feeling worsened. "Ron. Run, now," you said silently into your earpiece. "Y/N-" "Now Ron," you said calmly. Dr. Selvig's blue eyes were blank. "Officer," he said blankly. "What?" "Night-Night." As soon as he said that you turned around only to be met with a tazer. You didn't scream, you were too strong for that, but you fell to the ground and passed out.
When you awoke, you were bounded with thin wires that had already cut up your hand and you were in a chair. You tried to stay calm, and you worried more for Ron than yourself. A man in a black catsuit came in carrying a bow and arrow over his shoulder. His blue eyes matching everyone else's. "Loki will be here shortly," he said before leaving. You looked down at you bonds and tried to wiggle free, but that only sliced up your wrists even more. You groaned in frustration, and looked up to meet a pair of vivid green eyes. Your heart dropped. "Who are you? " He asked. "The person whos going to bring you down," you say boldly. Loki looked around and shut the door in anger. When he turned around, he was no longer angry, but sympathetic. "Listen, im sorry, Im getting you out of here but they have to buy it. Yes im behind all this, but Im being controlled, so please," he put his hands out and held a dagger. You panicked and flipped to the side causing your chair to break and you stood up, you hands still bonded. "Get away from me," you said, accidentally letting fear show. He grabbed your wrists held the dagger close, you shut your eyes and prepared for the worst. But to your surprise, he cut you free. The cuts on your hand stung and you doubled over as your shook it off. "Whats your name?" He asked. "None of your business," you spat. He angrily pushed you up against the wall, "Im. Trying. To. Help. You." He said his face close to yours. "Then let me go," you whisper. He did and you dropped to the floor. "Loki, I know everything about you. I hacked into SHEILD database and they never knew. But i get it now, and we are more similar than you think, so let me help you," you smiled at him. "Im all ears," he said smirking. You whispered in his ear and his eyes widened. "... And when you fake your death being a hero, you save your reputation, and become King of Asgard," you finish. "Miss that is amazing," he said astonished. "Call me Y/N, now get me out of here," you say rubbing your wrists. He grabs your hands and you both disappear and appear in your house. "Well Y/N, I will come back, but only to retrieve you as my Queen," he kissed your injured wrists, and then the healed, "until then..." he trailed off as he disappeared.
You waited years for him, earned the Medal of Honor, and became a worldwide local hero before he came back for you,
but he came back.

This is because i lub all of you, so i have a request for a Tom imagine... your in for a treat my friends, and i strongly suggest that other people request too, seeing i have almost 5k reads, i should be getting more requests... anyway i know im a bitch but deal with it. Later peeps

Imagines (Tom Hiddleston/Loki)Where stories live. Discover now