As soon as she lifted her gaze to the mirror, she gasped. Her eye was already starting to turn a sickly purple and there was a bloody cut on her cheekbone. It looked absolutely horrid, but she would be able to hide it well. She thanked whatever higher deity that it wasn't her jaw that had lain victim because that would sure as hell be hard to hide.

After fixing her hair to lay over the left side of her face, she left the bathroom and, once again, headed towards the English hallway. It wasn't long until she made it to her backpack and bent to pick the object up on her way to Ms. Kim' room, which had only been one door away from the bag.

Her nerves got the better of her once she had reached the door. She stood outside of it for several heartbeats, and in her case, that would have been quite a lot. Her heart was pounding in a rapid tattoo against her chest and she could feel her body just shake. Why the hell was she feeling like this? She'd been in Ms. Kim room many, many times before. She'd talked with the woman five times a week. She had also been out with the brunette, although it hadn't been exactly planned either time.

Shaking those feelings away and sucking up her anxiety, she reached for the door handle and opened the barrier between the two of them. Funny, she thought, that would be a good metaphor for our relationship.

"Jennie!" She heard the deep voice call from the other side of the room. "I thought you would have been here sooner?"
When Jennie looked up, the brunette wore a concerned expression as she pushed herself from her chair.

"Are you alright, honey? You look a little pale..."

"I'm fine." Jennie forced a smile, because she was, in fact, the opposite of fine. Her eye was throbbing, her ass hurt from landing so hard on it, her palms were sweaty as hell and on top of all that her stomach was doing so many flips she thought she was about to get sick. And now she just lied straight to Ms. Kim' face, but it was something she was so very used to- saying that she was fine when she really wasn't. It had become such an automatic response, she could never stop it at times.

The brunette only frowned and crossed the distance between them, the spicy scent of Ms. Kim' perfume engulfed Jennie's senses. "Are you sure?"

The blonde swallowed hard and looked away. She couldn't bring herself to lie to the woman again, but she didn't want to say anything else. "Are we still going?" she asked instead.

"Yes, we are. Of course." The teacher tilted her head, her chocolate eyes still mixed with worry. "I'll go grab my purse and coat, then we can leave."

"Alright." Jennie nodded and watched as the brunette did just that. Normally she would take advantage and ogle Jisoo's perfect rump, but the pain had just been too intense and she felt as if she just could not concentrate. Therefore, she had missed the words that the brunette had spoken when she had headed back over to the blonde.

"Jennie?" Then there was a hand on her cheek, soft and gentle fingers lightly skittering over the surface. But then one of those fingers brushed against the fresh cut on Jennie's cheekbone and she flinched back in pain, forcing Jisoo's hand from her. The reaction had no doubt moved her hair, because the way the brunette's eyes were wide and had started to shimmer shown her immediate concern.

"Jennie... Wh-what happened?" The teacher's hand moved up once again to Jennie's left cheek, hovering over the skin so she wouldn't accidentally brush over the tender flesh.

"It's nothing," she shrugged, turning her head away from the hand. "Why don't we go?"

"Jennie." Ms. Kim frowned, the hand left abandoned in the air had curled into a fist before landing by her side. "Who did this to you?" Her voice was a whisper, the frown on her face was quite evident that she was genuinely concerned over what had happened.

Teacher's Pet (Jensoo)Where stories live. Discover now