Car Ride

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About 2 hours in..

"I'm bored" I looked out the window, then felt his hand go on my knee.

"Well, when we get there I can show you my friends, the jerks" he laughed. I joined him and looked back out the window. I put on my headphones and fell asleep...

I awoke to Tyler's hand on my upper thigh. I coughed and he pulled his hand away, he looked super tired. I don't think he realized his hand was there.

''Ty.. pull over"


"Your exhausted!"

"I am" he admitted.

He pulled over and switched me seats.

(Few hours later)

"Ty.. we are around New York, take it from here"


40 minutes later we arrived at the hospital.

"Tyler? Oh my grandson!" His grandpa yelled in joy.


"Whose this young lady?"

"That's Hannah."

"I'm his girlfriend" I said shyly, and pointed to Tyler quickly.

His grandpa's grin was even bigger and he gestured for me to come to him. He pulled me into a hug.

"Oh you sweet children!" He said.

He released me and the doctor came in and released his grandpa from the hospital.

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