School ughh!

128 7 1

Crystal P.O.V

I slam my alarm clock and jump out bed. I put on the clothes I put on my dresser.

I get dressed it light gray jeans, a short sleeved shirt with the saying #Can't stop won't stop, and a beanie to top it all off.

I walked downstairs and see my dad passed out on the couch with a beer bottler in his hand and the t.v still on. I shut off the t.v and head to the kitchen.

I made myself eggs. I crack the eggs into a bowl and stir fast. I get them all mixed up and put them in a pan and turn the stove on.

I finish scrambling my eggs and I put them on two plates one for me and one for my dad. I scoff down the one for me and put the one for my dad in front of him.

I write a note next to it.

Dear Dad,

I made you eggs just the you like. Hope you have a great day at work.

Love Crystal

This is one of the lucky days were I get out of my house before my dad starts beating me. I grab my backpack and rush out the door and slam it behind me. Most likely my dad woke up from that and So I ran to the bus stop.

I get there to see the bullies of the school waiting for me. Already on the first day?

"Hey look if it isn't the slut bag Crystal coming towards us." Derek states

"Just leave me alone." Crystal responded

I get on the school bus and sit next to my only friend Zoe.


"Sup Zoe."

We sit in complete silence as we start to drive to school. Once we get there I hop out of the bus. I walk into the main entrance and go to my locker.


I pull on the trigger and open the locker get out my backpack and put all the things that I got for the first day of school.

I put a mirror in my locker with a white board above. I put most of my books away and grab the rest to bring to homeroom.

I sit down in a seat that is far away from anyone else. Until Derek starts walking towards me.. great.

"Ok kids I'll be right back I have to go grab something in the office," said Mrs.LaBato

No don't leave. She leaves the room and Derek walks up to me.

"Hey slut bag!" he then smacks me in the face as hard as he can.


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