Part 6: One More Birthday Wish

Start from the beginning

*5 hours later*
After Yue had had her fill of rollercoasters and such at the amusement park and they grabbed some refreshments and snacks from the vendor's cart, the family decided to go home. Yue was getting a piggyback ride from her grandfather. "You're getting so big, soon I won't be able to carry you. I'm not the strong, young man I once was," Dong Da Nian said as he struggled under the weight of his granddaughter. Shancai stifled a snicker at her father's words. She knew Yue wasn't heavy and that her dad was just getting old. "Put her down or give her to me," Shancai suggested. "No," Yue protested, clinging to her grandfather, "I want to ride piggyback with Grandpa." "Do you doubt my strength?" Da Nian said in mock offense, "I'll show you just how strong I can be." He adjusted Yue on his back and continued to trudge forward. Sometimes, my girl can be such a brat, Shancai thought as she let out an exasperated sigh, following them closely behind.

When they'd arrived home, Shancai and her mother grabbed the cake that Shancai had baked the previous day, and they all gathered round and sang "Happy birthday" to YueYue. "Make a wish, baby." her grandparents said in unison. Yue closed her eyes for a minute, then blew out the candles. "What did you wish for?" Shancai asked. Yue smiled at her mother and responded, "I can't tell you, or it won't come true." "I suppose that's right," Shancai said with a small laugh, "All right, I won't ask." Then she reached over and smeared some frosting on her daughter's nose. "But that's for not telling me," she added. "Mama!!!" Yue complained.

After the cake had been consumed and they'd cleaned up, Yue hugged the adults and retreated to her bedroom. Shancai and her mother sat at the table, drinking tea in peaceful silence, until Zhang Li broke it. "Has she ever asked about her father?" she asked in a quiet tone. Shancai flinched at the question. She took a deep breath and said "No, but I know that she wonders about him and that it won't be long until she does." Shancai's mother mulled over her daughter's words for a moment, and then asked her "What do you plan to do? Are you ready for when that time comes?" Shancai took a long sip of her tea, and sighed. "I don't know. I don't think I'll know what to say," she answered truthfully. Zhang Li shot her daughter a sympathetic look. She'd been through a lot over the past couple of years, and she didn't know how or if she could help her. Shancai cleared her throat and said "I'm going upstairs, and tuck Yue in for the night." Her mother only nodded in response, and Shancai took the stairs two at a time, hurrying to her room.

Closing the door, Shancai let a few lone tears escape. Why, oh why did it still hurt? It's been so long, and I wish this wound would heal shut and I could finally close that chapter of my life. Moonlight filtered in through the curtains, and shone beautifully on the meteor necklace. Shancai walked toward and took it in her hands. She remembered Daoming Si putting it on her, while butterflies were having a rave in her stomach. She remembered Yue once told her that it was her favorite piece of jewelry on her. She rarely wore it nowadays, yet it remained her most precious piece of jewelry. Maybe Yue should have it, Shancai thought. Her precious necklace for her precious daughter. With that, Shancai took the necklace in hand, and headed toward her daughter's bedroom door.

Shancai took a deep breath, and opened the door to YueYue's room. Yue looked up from her picture book when she heard her mother enter. She looked at her mother quizzically. "What is it, Mama?" she asked in a curious tone. "There's something that I want to give you. It's this," Shancai held up the meteor necklace so her daughter could get a clear look at it. Yue gasped softly, "Mama, it's so pretty." Shancai placed it in her daughter's hands and Yue studied it carefully, her small face alight with a smile. "Do you want to put it on?" her mother asked in a soft tone. Yue nodded excitedly and sat at her mother's feet while Shancai adjusted the necklace into place. Once it was secure around her neck, Yue reached up and touched it. "I love it so much." And she truly did. Along with being near the ocean, she loved watching the stars at night. She was still a kid, so whenever she saw a shooting star, she'd make wishes on them. Shancai offered her a daughter a small smile and said, "I'm happy you do." Yue gave a tiny yawn, rubbing her eyes, "Goodnight mom. Thank you." She hugged her mother tight. "Goodnight. Happy birthday, my moon." Shancai replied, returning her daughter's hug. Then she left back to her own room.

As soon as her mother had closed the door, Yue scrambled over to her window and looked out. She grasped the meteor pendant tight in her hands and made the same wish she had earlier, desperate for it to come true. "I wish that I can meet my papa, and that my mama will be happy again. Please." She squeezed her eyes shut and wished as hard as she could. "Pretty necklace." she whispered, and then went to bed, hoping she'd dream of happy families and the calming ocean waves.

Author's note
Hey y'all! Have another update. I'm gonna be 100% honest, this wasn't my favorite chapter to write, but I feel like the end was okay, and that my plot will move along soon enough. But please do tell me what you thought. Thanks for reading!
Thank you!

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