Part 2: It can't be

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*Flashback chapter to approx. 7 years prior*
Shancai woke up and something felt off with her body. Again. She felt woozy and...and...
Oh god, how disgusting, she thought as a vile taste pervaded her mouth. Clapping a hand over her mouth, Shancai rushed to the bathroom, only barely making it. She bent over the toilet, retching violently. No, something is definitely not right, she thought as she continued to vomit. Once her nausea finally subsided slightly and she had freshened up, Shancai decided that enough was enough. She made a doctor's appointment for later that day. She had a feeling she knew what was the matter, but she needed to to be sure.

*5 hours later*
Shancai's suspicions had been confirmed "Ms. Dong, you are 3 months pregnant. Congratulations, I'm sure your boyfriend will be thrilled by the news," the kind, elderly doctor said. I can no longer see or reach him, so he'll never know, Shancai thought, and her heart fell. "He would be, but he's no longer with us," Shancai lied. The doctor gave her a sympathetic look and replied, "I'm so sorry to hear that. I'm sure he'd be so happy to hear your news if he could." Shancai nodded quietly and then her eyes flickered away as she struggled to swallow the lump that had formed in her throat and compose herself. After receiving instructions from the doctor to look after herself and her unborn child, Shancai thanked her and returned home.

As soon as she got home, Shancai flopped onto her bed, belly side up, her eyes fixed onto the ceiling with a gaze so intense that she was nearly burning holes into it. Her thoughts were all over the place and worry had her unable to get them in order. Just what was she to do? She was only 19 years old, and had not finished university yet. How would she look after a child? How'd she provide from him or her? She knew that she had to come clean with her parents. Would they be disappointed in her? Would they turn their backs on her? At that last thought, Shancai mentally slapped herself. Stupid, they love you. They wouldn't do such a thing. Still, her mind was a whirlpool of worry, and before she knew it, she'd fallen into a fitful slumber.

She lay on the cold delivery table, sweat gluing strands of her hair to the back of her neck and forehead. "It hurts so much," Shancai cried as another contraction racked her body. "Miss, please relax. The baby's on its way. When I say push, I need you to push," the nurse told her plainly. Shancai nodded weakly, and did as told. She pushed, screaming in pain. Then, she felt something leaving her body. "It's a girl," she heard the nurse say. Shancai watched as the doctors cleaned her baby and wrapped her in a soft blanket. "Would you like to hold her?" a nurse asked her. Shancai nodded and waited while the nurse adjusted the little bundle on her chest. She's perfect, Shancai thought, regarding the tiny, sleeping girl with such adoration, happy tears brimming in her eyes.
Shancai heard the delivery room door slam open and turned. Horrified, she realized that the person that had burst in was none other than Daoming Feng. She lay paralyzed by fear as the businesswoman approached her. "Pretty little thing, of course it seems she takes after her father," Daoming Feng said smoothly, her subtle jab at Shancai not escaping her target's notice. Stopping in front of Shancai, Daoming Feng took the baby girl from her arms, wrapping her arms around her tiny sleeping form. "Don't worry, she'll be in good hands," Daoming Feng mockingly reassured Shancai. Then she turned on her heel and began to walk away. "You can't do this. I'm begging you to give me my child back and leave us in peace," Shancai screeched, her pride having flown out the window, tears cutting trails down her face. Daoming Feng turned, and with the fakest smile, coolly said "I already have. This is goodbye, Dong Shancai." Then she was gone, her little girl was gone.

"NO!" Shancai bolted upright, panting, sweat beading on her forehead. Her mother came in, concern etched onto her facial features. "Shancai, Shancai what happened? Are you alright?" Mama Dong's voice dripping with worry. Shancai began to sob, the dream had felt so real, and the pain she felt was palpable. "Ma, I'm so sorry. I have something to tell you. I'm pregnant," Shancai tearfully said. Mama Dong gave a soft gasp as she processed her daughter's news. "The baby is Daoming Si's, isn't it?" Shancai's mother asked in a quiet voice. Sniffling, Shancai nodded, and told her mother of her fears. "No, we definitely won't let that happen. We, as a family, will find a way to ensure Daoming Feng stays in the dark about your baby," Mama Dong said in a firm tone. Shancai swallowed nervously, she wasn't quite sure she would be able to relax. It wasn't that she didn't trust her parents, but she knew how cunning Daoming Feng could be. She had to formulate a plan, and fast.

The following week passed, more nightmares of losing her child plagued Shancai's dreams. One night, she tossed and turned in bed, unable to catch a wink of sleep. Running a hand over her belly, she whispered, "Don't worry. I'll protect you and look after you with everything I have." Glancing at her phone, she got a crazy idea. She knew that it was crazy, but Shancai was desperate. Picking up her phone, she dialed the last person she thought she'd turn to for help. It rang once, twice. "Hello?" a voice groggily answered. "Xiaozi, it's Shancai. I need your help. I'm pregnant." The heiress gasped, and listened carefully as Shancai relayed her concerns to her. Over the course of two weeks, the two women had formulated a plan, and Shancai said her tearful goodbyes to her parents, and boarded a plane to America. Shancai was afraid, but determined . After all, she was the undying weed

And she would rather die than let that vulture touch her offspring with a ten foot pole.

Author's note
Here you go, enjoy my trash. In all serious, hey y'all. I'm back with a flashback chapter. Thought I'd clear up the ages of the characters in my fanfic. I think the pregnancy news comes post-March, so Shancai had already turned 19 at this point in the story. Let me give you a quick rundown of the ages (in the "present." Remember this is a flashback.)
Shancai: 26 yrs. old
Daoming Si:29 yrs. old
Lei: 29 yrs. old
Ximen: 30 yrs. old (he's a December baby, thus already made it to his 30s)
Meizuo: 29 yrs. old
Xiaozi: 31 yrs. old

I'll make the timeline a little clearer as we go along. And I'm dragging this out for as long as I can. So strap yourselves in and enjoy the ride.
Thank you!

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