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Elton's POV

I was sitting at my computer editing when i heard screaming up stairs. 

It was probably Corey and Devyn fighting again, they've seem to have been doing that a lot, yet no one know why but them. 

If i was dating Cor... SNAP out of it Elton he's your best friend. I heard a door slam. 

Someones coming down stairs to the garage.  I look over at the door a very sad puffy eyed Corey opens the door. 

He doesn't say anything he just sits down on the empty chair and cries. I have no idea what to do, so i ask him, "What's wrong".  "I..I  ca..."  I cut him off. "it's ok you dont have 

to talk about it if you dont want to".  After that we just sit there in silence  staring into each others eyes I start to lean, "Elton you not gay... Well at least i think im not" I scold/think to my self.

 I redirect my self and just go for a hug.  We just sit there and hold each other for what seems like hours. I get this weird feeling in my stomach... what is he doing to me.

How did this happen ( Eltorey )Where stories live. Discover now