Chapter 9

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The doctors kept me in the hospital for about three more weeks, and I had to see a phsycologist every day, cause i had tried to kill myself. I tried to explain to them every day that i hadn't been thinking, and all that stuff, but they wouldn't believe me.

After about 1 and a half week, When everyone Was there to visit me, i said "Argh, It's so boring here. Can i at least be On twitter?". "No baby, you can't. The hospital don't allow it" dad said, and i frowned. "It's soooooo boring here!! The only reason i survive it is because You're here all day. Aren't you bored?" i said, cause i suddenly wondered that. "No, we're not! Right guys?" Rocky said, and they all shook they're heads. Except Ryland. He had fallen asleep On the couch. Rydel hit him in the face, and he fell out of the couch. "I'm awake!" He said, and i laughed. "Ouch!" i said. I forgot that almost all My ribs were broken. "Are you ok?" Ross asked really concerned, and i smiled. "Don't worry, I'm fine!".

Later On, the rest left to eat dinner and stuff, but Ross stayed. "You know the phsycologist is coming in 5 mins, right?" i said, and He nodded. He looked away, and said "I'm Sorry this happened to you. It's just My fault. You could have been killed". I sighed. "Ross, look at me" i said, and He did. He Was about to cry, i saw that. "It's not your fault, It's mine. I overreacted. Stop blaming it at yourself, ok?" i said, and He nodded. But i knew that He would always blame this On himself.

We were just Talking and laughing, and joking, When the phsycologist came in. I groaned. "It's Nice to see you too, miss Lynch" He said sarcastically. Ross could stay, which i Was happy for. "So, let's continue to talk about your little problem" the phsycologist said, and i rolled My eyes. "As i have told you every day since you came here, i don't have a problem!" i said angrily, no one of the doctors or the phsycologist EVER believed me. "Then Why are you here?" He asked me, and i Was Taken aback. He had never asked that before. "Because i overreacted! It Was an accident, i wasn't thinking!" i said, and He nodded. Then He just picked up his notebook, and went out. Without saying a Word. "Wow, someone's in a bad mood today" i said, When He Was out, and Ross started laughing.

Two weeks later, i Was Finally allowed to leave the hospital. I couldn't Do sports or a lot of activities and stuff, but i could Do shows with R6. Well, i didn't really ask if i could Do that, but they never said i couldn't! (wow, I'm such a badass xD)

Now We were rehearsing for our next show. It Was soon time for me to start to play the guitar, but i couldn't remember the chords! I couldn't remember any chords, actually. That Was bad. I couldn't remember How to play guitar!

When i didn't play, but just stared panically On My guitar, Rocky looked weird at me. We didn't stop the music or anything, i think Rocky Was the only one that noticed. He mimicked 'What's going On?' with his mouth, but i didn't reply. I Was panicking. I couldn't have forgot How to play!

The others noticed that i wasn't playing, and stopped. "Hey, Why aren't you playing?" Riker asked, and i shrugged. "Ehm...which chord Was it that i started with again?" i asked Rocky, and He looked concerned at me, but said "Em7". How did i play that again? "Ehm.." i said, and looked down at My guitar again, without knowing what to play. "What's going on?" dad asked, and they all looked at me. "I...uhm...i just.." i stuttered, really embarrassed.

We continued, but When it Was My turn to Sing, i couldn't remember any words either! Everyone saw hat i Was struggling. "Ok, everyone Take a break!" dad said, and We jumped off the stage. I sat down in a corner, and tried to remember what the different chords and words were. But i couldn't remember a thing.

"Riley, What's wrong?" Riker asked, When He and Rocky sat down beside me. It wasn't to any help to say that it Was nothing wrong, cause it Was obvious that i Was upset. "Are you hurting?" Rocky asked, but i shook My head. "I....i can't remember anything! I mean, i don't remember any chords or words. And our songs just seem so...not familiar at all. It's like I've never heard them before!" i said, almost crying. They were speechless. " don't remember anything? You've co-written most of the songs!" Rocky said, almost freaking out. Like i Was. "I don't remember it" i said, and a tear escaped My eye. "Hey, It'll be allright!" Riker said, and hugged me. But How could He know that? Would i ever remember them again?

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